New to Hifivision


Jan 13, 2009
New to Hifivision, any suggestions for Stereo setup?

Just joined this forum,
I have a Cambridge audio A1 integrated amp, Radio technika speakers, bose 2.1 channel speakers, a philips cd player, my trusty Panasonic Hi fi stereo, a samsung 5.1 channel home theater. I am planning to junk all these multiple eqpt and go for a good stereo system with cd player, amp and speakers. BUT money is always the problem. can u suggest any setup at 20 - 30K. Second hand will also do. Like my music to be warm, listen to lot of country and slow rock. any suggestions will be welcome. Know of any good Seconds dealers in Chennai?
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Re: New to Hifivision, any suggestions for Stereo setup?

just joined this forum,
i have a cambridge audio a1 integrated amp, radio technika speakers, bose 2.1 channel speakers, a philips cd player, my trusty panasonic hi fi stereo, a samsung 5.1 channel home theater. I am planning to junk all these multiple eqpt and go for a good stereo system with cd player, amp and speakers. But money is always the problem. Can u suggest any setup at 20 - 30k. Second hand will also do. Like my music to be warm, listen to lot of country and slow rock. Any suggestions will be welcome. Know of any good seconds dealers in chennai?

what you are planing for sale what is make and model no pls tel me .
I have an onkyo 603E receiver 7.1, looking for good speakers , budget is around 50k, require front floor speakers, surround back 4 speakers and suggest which is the best subwoofer to go for,
I have Jamo, wharfdale , q acoustic in mind, which of these are the best,
As the title I am new to Hifivision never knew about this forum until heard from a friend

Once again Hi to every member of Hifivision
As the title I am new to Hifivision never knew about this forum until heard from a friend

Once again Hi to every member of Hifivision
i am kiruavanijegan

am new to this n i want some information regarding the audio stuff i want to buy a hometheater

can any body help me to buy these used product
1 parasound power 5250
2 parasound pre 7100
3 parasound dvd d200

and definative tec 5.1 on wall speakers and sub &
projection design hd projector
are they perfect match n

for how much i can buy these

Re: New to Hifivision, any suggestions for Stereo setup?

Just joined this forum,
I have a Cambridge audio A1 integrated amp, Radio technika speakers, bose 2.1 channel speakers, a philips cd player, my trusty Panasonic Hi fi stereo, a samsung 5.1 channel home theater. I am planning to junk all these multiple eqpt and go for a good stereo system with cd player, amp and speakers. BUT money is always the problem. can u suggest any setup at 20 - 30K. Second hand will also do. Like my music to be warm, listen to lot of country and slow rock. any suggestions will be welcome. Know of any good Seconds dealers in Chennai?


Go to Ritche Street and you can see many Second hand dealers.
Hi everybody,
I have just joined this forum. I have set up a 5.1 Ch surround system with
Denon AVR 1513,
Jamo S426 (5.0 speakers with 2 Towers, one center & 2 rear) and
POLK sub PSW110.
The system sounds great except that there is no sound from surround speakers if Dolby /DTS software is played (thro' Tatasky HD TV or WD player, I don't have a Bluray). However surround speakers work fine with MCH stereo. All settings on set top box / WD player / AVR is set for multi channel play back.

Note: Set top box & WD player is connected to AVR HDMI input channels directly. HDMI out is connected to TV.

Can anyone help.
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What Type of files are you playing through WD TV? does it have dts or AC3 sound track. Make sure the file does not have .aac (5.1). It can not be decoded properly by WD.
Set you AVR to Direct Mode. If AVR receives a Dolby / DTS signal then the display will change accordingly. Denon AVR 1513 does not have audyssey, so you need to set your speaker channel levels manually. I suggest you to increase surround speaker level by +3 db and centre by + 4 db.
Thanks Rupam for the reply.

I am playing Dolby files with AC3 audio thro' WD TV. Also I can see Dolby on the front panel of AVR. Further I have already increased Surround speaker setting to +6db.

My friend says I have to connect Audio return (Toslink) cable from TV to AVR which is not direct method and have not tried.

Yeah, That's how I have connected. Outputs of WD TV and Tatasky STB to inputs of AVR using HDMI Cables. O/P of AVR to input of TV again by HDMI cable. I read in another thread that Tatasky doesn't support 5.1 ch. sound over HDMI cable. A separate co-ax acble has to be used from Audio out(SPDF) of STB to AVR I/P(digital). I tried this connection with AV cable. It did not work even after assigning Co-ax I/P in AVR to the respective channel. I think AVR is not recognising Co-ax I/P.
Hi shekhar,
If you connect Coax cable to AVR you need to set the input mode to Digital : Then AVR Play only signals from digital input (OPTICAL/COAXIAL).
Digital can be set for the input source assigned to OPTICAL or COAXIAL under Input Assign in the menu. Even if the input mode is set to auto, change it to digital.

Let me know if this works.
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