New to the world of AV Receivers and Surround Speakers


May 14, 2020
Hello Friends,

I am new to this Audio/Video world involving receivers and speakers, my Old Logitec Z906 HTIB died after 9 years, now thinking of upgrading to AV receivers and tower speakers to start with.

I have shortlisted few AV receivers, please provide your suggestions
1. Yamaha RX-V685
2. Denon X1600h (I know x1600h and rx-v685 dont come in same segment, but 685 is way better than 585, so didnt want to take have it as option)
3. Pioneer vx-934
Is it always recommended to buy 2019 model or is it ok to buy 2018 model(2018 models are cheaper)?
this question may be dumb, but kindly clarify - do they make 2018 models in 2019?

For some reason I don't see a single discussion about Pioneer in this forum. Is there any reason behind it?
pioneer is the only receiver with 2 year warranty and more power for money.

I see most of the recommendations are for high-end models, my budget is very limited.
and for speakers, I am totally confused.

My requirements are
Room - Living room
Size - 11 x 20ft
HDMI inputs - only from Laptop,(no plan to connect settop box or gaming consoles)
HDMI ouptut - only TV (all contents via Netflix,Prime,Youtube, Hotstar) my TV supports ARC but not eARC, and how important eARC?
Interests - Lots of Music and Movies
Budget - 75k-80k
Sub woofer - if towers are good and gives decent Bass, i wont invest on Sub for now, later may get something like yamaha ns-sw100(does it make sense or SW050 is good enough?)

I have no clue about what speakers to choose. One of my friend suggested Pioneer Sp-Fs52 (if stock is available)

I have asked a ton of questions, requesting you all to take some time and help me out, thanks in Advance

I would suggest to first go to different showrooms and demo HT systems according to your budget to decide on the speakers. There are lot of options available there , you can go for packages like Elac Cinema 5/ Taga Harmony so forth or alternatively build your own system with only fronts and center to begin with and then slowly add other components. I spent roughly 60k to setup a standalone system with Concept 20 Fronts, 3090i Center and 3020i Rear (using deals from the forum).

Regarding the AVR the Yamaha and Denon are both good choices , never really explored the pioneer option. You can go for 2018 models as well if you find their specs and features are as per your need and they are sourced from authorized dealers. eARC supports Dolby Atmos when you stream atmos content from your TV and few other formats vs ARC (can google to know further on this).

For your room size would suggest to go for a dedicated subwoofer , would make a real difference to the movie watching experience. If budget doesnt permit now, you can wait and go for one later (if you go for packages most of them come with a dedicated Sub).
I would suggest to first go to different showrooms and demo HT systems according to your budget to decide on the speakers. There are lot of options available there , you can go for packages like Elac Cinema 5/ Taga Harmony so forth or alternatively build your own system with only fronts and center to begin with and then slowly add other components. I spent roughly 60k to setup a standalone system with Concept 20 Fronts, 3090i Center and 3020i Rear (using deals from the forum).

Regarding the AVR the Yamaha and Denon are both good choices , never really explored the pioneer option. You can go for 2018 models as well if you find their specs and features are as per your need and they are sourced from authorized dealers. eARC supports Dolby Atmos when you stream atmos content from your TV and few other formats vs ARC (can google to know further on this).

For your room size would suggest to go for a dedicated subwoofer , would make a real difference to the movie watching experience. If budget doesnt permit now, you can wait and go for one later (if you go for packages most of them come with a dedicated Sub).

Thank you for the tip, what is the cheapest and best receiver you recommend to power the taga harmony
606 SE? Many people say if we go for 506 we have to buy sub, if we go for 606SE we need not buy sub,
Please let me know your recommendations. And regarding buying taga, is hifimart a trusted online seller?
Yes Hifimart is a very trusted online seller but you can check for local dealers in Bangalore as well , you would probably get a better price even . The Yamaha VX-685 should be able to power the speakers easily.

A dedicated sub for movies will greatly enhance your experience. You might not need it right away and invest in a good sub at later point of time.
Yes Hifimart is a very trusted online seller but you can check for local dealers in Bangalore as well , you would probably get a better price even . The Yamaha VX-685 should be able to power the speakers easily.

A dedicated sub for movies will greatly enhance your experience. You might not need it right away and invest in a good sub at later point of time.

Sure, let me check in local store, thank you.
Depending on your budget. I have the pioneer 5.1 Andrew Jones speakers. The subwoofer is the weak link. You can buy the subwoofer later.

For reciever don't buy Pioneer. Though all reciever might fail. Pioneers services are below par. Part availability is a big issue. I had my lx 302 lying in a service center for 45 days. Then got it couriered to Mumbai. Still it's not working. Better go for marantz or denon or yamaha.
Thank you all for the suggestions , I finally ended up with DENON 550BT (my Video input requirement is NIL as the only Video content I have is direct streaming through TV), TAGA 606 SE + TAGA TSW 90, Yet to receive the Subwoofer, but already in love with the sound quality of the TAGA 606 SE 5.0 , waiting eagerly for the SubWoofer.
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