Yeah, I'd agree with the fact but i was in a samsung store just an hour ago with the same file and a tv right next to the big open door was popping(it was a q70t though). Disappointment was easy to creep in after that as colors looked washed out.Dolby vision file did pop a bit though but the comparision baseline was how it had looked on my laptop earlier, 4k content will look good too. Tried the YouTube costa rica video as well. The sloth and the frog decided for me then. Yes it maybe the best in the budget segment I agree, but maybe thats for americans who dont pay as much as us for these. If I'm paying 48k for this might as well save up to pay for the frame as a cheap 55 qled i thought. My last Samsung was a similar costly affair for 40"fhd at 65k but it did last 7 years i'd say, plus maybe im stuck on how the colors on sony sammy look. If i'd spend x*10k Id expect it to last x years at least with relevance as i dont want to keep dumping money so often. Below 40k its a steal, at 45 max. After that i tap out.I also went for the demo with my friend and yes it's not mounted in ideal position. It's mounted high and also, since it's a small showroom with glass walls, there is so much glare all around. He quoted 47990 but he was also offering a cash back( which comes after 90 day) so effective price was around 44K.
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