OB Vs Sealed Box - freq. response graph comparison - help please.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2016
Hi All...

Can anyone help me compare the frequency response graph for Open Baffle Vs Sealed Enclosure please ....
I did the simulation for sealed enclosure for two different volumes .... please see the graph ...
GREEN GRAPH: shows an F3 of 76hZ @ 38L volume
RED GRAPH: shows an F3 of 107 hZ @ 12L volume (graph is not very good, but this is the smallest box i can build)

Can any one do an open baffle simulation for this driver please ....
Driver is SK12 FRX Ahuja .... (currently using as my center channel)

TS parameters here:

Ahuja SK12 FRX_2 centre channel.JPG

Ahuja SK12 FRX_1 centre channel.JPG
that' s the size of my current OB center channel.

The driver is 12" diameter.
From the driver's outer periphery, left and right sides of the baffle are 5"
Top edge is 4" and bottom edge is 6"
On one side, I have a 90 degree bend, 2" deep for acoustic off center.

Can any one do an OB simulation with these dimensions please ....
It helps me compare how it performs in a sealed enclosure Vs OB

Thanks a lot in advance for any help !!!

Ahuja SK12 FRX_3 centre channel.JPG
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You have it on the wall, the wall is within the 1/4th wavelength at the highest frequency concerned, it will be difficult to simulate.
Ooh.... Now I got it....
The basic reason for asking this question is....

Presently my center is "like" an OB.
I'm wondering..... if I build a box with shallow depth (7 to 8" deep), will it improve anything compared to this OB.

It is possible to build a box based on GREEN graph in the first post. Since you are saying simulation may not be easy..... the only way to find out is to build and see.....
If I build a box....., it may go down to nearly 76hz@F3, and up to 50hz @ F10.

I don't know how low my current centre channel is going. If it is already going that down, there is no point in building a box again....

In some quite movie scenes..., the sub, fronts, and surrounds may not be playing at all.... Only the centre will be playing some dialogues. In such cases, if the centre can go as low as possible, it may sound more full bodied.

Basically I'm checking if I can improve the low end extension of my center channel.

(I need to buy some measuring equipment for sure...)
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