How will this person know this ? Specifically the question .. " knows that it’s more true to the source " .. I am curious! A person who appreciates objectively engineered stuff can be any random dude who just loves such stuff. Active listening is a learned thing. If one is not in the industry, it needs opportunity - > exposure to wide range of gear and study of sound especially unamplified music ! And of course, active involvement and interest as well. Does he have all that as an additional skill ?
Theoretically, a device that adds its own color will be less true. I agree to that statement. But given a device, how does an untrained person know that ? Most of the time I have seen objectivists on the internet, just referring to some measurements and then blindly painting something black.
Most industry people ( musicians, recording artists, sound engineers, installers ) who are also audiophiles do not listen to flat measuring studio type speakers at their homes. They are associated with the industry and can get great deals but they still buy other gear. And believe me, they know infinitely more about sound than many of us do.