90 percent of the so called potential buyers in OLX are time wasters. If we try to sell an item for 25k, people will simply offer 12k. Even if we say, OK deal, they won't further respond.
. My buying experience, except for two cases, every deal went smooth. On one occasion, I paid for a DAC to a person in Haryana. He did not sent the item. When I called him, he did not respond. I ca;;ed him from another phone, he took the call and said the item is available. When I told him that I am the same person who already paid for the item, he cut the call and switched the phone off. Another case, I paid for a NAD amp/ When I received the item, it was not working. When I took it to service, he informed me that the amp was a 110 volt amp and the circuit was tampered to work in 220 volts, which was not properly done.