Omega Super 8 Alnico

This post isnt about the speaker.
A few years back I had sourced a TT in thus forum from Mr Jacob. Initially I enjoyed it. But then due to issues of time I just let to lie idle literally gathering dust. Things began to fall apart. I felt sad for the Thorens. Then I heard about a gentleman Mr Mondal from Kolkata. I sent pictures of the TT on Whatsapp and got reassurances that he could do something about it if I could somehow lug it to Kolkata.
When some young folks visited my home they were intrigued by the sight of the TT but unfortunately I couldnt make it sing for them. That was a real shame.
Just yesterday for some unknown reason during the course of casual banter with friends I mentioned about my TT and the sad situation it was in. Then someone from whom I least expected the kind of interjection said , Why dont you bring it to my Dad? He is an old mechanic , repairs even valve radios!
Unconvinced and with some reluctance I spoke to the gentleman through his son s cell phone. When he asked Is it a Garrard (Garat , he said )? a light shone.
So yesterday ..yes ..yesterday evening I took the TT to the gentlemans house. He wasnt around so I deposited it in a corner and came home.
Today I get a call saying its been repaired. He asked me to come with a record to test. So today evening I went forth at the appointed time waited for about half an hour. I met him Mr Pradhan for the first time. He talked about training in a Mullard factory in the seventies etc.
Anyway to cut a long story short , he had repaired everything. The loose unhinged tone arm , the head unit and the cartridge in a state of disarray, the scrapping platter etc. When I loaded the record and he connected the output through a single interconnect to cheap computer amp I did not expect much. But lo behold Dizzy Gillespiess horns screeched faintly through the tinny speakers. The TT was singing.
Later I brought it home and made by 9 year old son indulge in some vinyl magic.
I am grateful to have found Mr Pradhan who told me to come to him if I had any equipment issues.
Come to think of it Kalimpong did booming trade with Tibet in the late 50s till the Indo-Chinese war of 62 put a spanner in the works. When the Dalai Lama wanted a car it was driven up to Kalimpong dismantled and then carried to Tibet on a mule train. The deposed king of Burma , Thebow spent time in exile here. So did the daughters of King Amanullah of Afghanistan. Roerich was here dabbling heavily in Tantric Buddhism. Prince Peter of Greece came for his anthropology studies. Sangarakshita a British monk and founder of the World Buddhist Order an influential Theravada sect spent a few years here begging for alms in the Bhikhsu stage of his Buddhist initiation. He edited Stepping Stones an erudite journal on Buddhist philosophy and also wrote Facing Mount Kanchenjunga during his time here. Hifivision movie buffs will be interested to read about his visit to Bombay when his services as a Buddhist expert was sought by Raj Kapoor for his film on the Buddha.
The aforementioned Dalai Lama first took residence in Kalimpong after his exile in the aftermath of the Chinese occupation of his country. His elder brother still lives here making noodles.
Given this rich history I should not be surprised that someone like Mr Pradhan must have been around to service the spinning songsters that must have regaled these luminaries during their mountain sojourn here.

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Moktan, I was in kalimpong in May this year for a holiday. This is my first visit to kalimpong, while traveling to & fro from various locations there, I had seen a Electronic repair shop, somewhere behind the police station or near the post office area (I don't recollect the exact location of this shop now), this shop had some old equipments like projectors and such stuff in it. I think it must also be specialised in vintage equipments repair. However I couldn't stop to see & meet them as I was with my family and some family friends along with me. You may check, who knows you might get some valued equipment or help there.

Gifted by forum member Rajiv a few years back. Now its time has come.

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Moktan da, lovely case for the TT and lest I miss it, a very cosy and lovely house too. Next time I travel to Darjeeling, I would surely drop by your place.
I had sought the opinion of Mr Chacos for some speaker placement ideas. He recommended the Cardas audio room setup .
Distance Percentage
Speaker to side wall: RW x .276
Speaker to rear wall: RW x .447
Speaker to opposite side wall: RW x .724
Speaker to speaker: RW x .447
My room width is 18 feet so the speaker is about 8 feet from the rear wall.
Never had the speakers so far away from the rear wall. There is a depth to the sound stage . Still need to experiment further with the toe in etc.
Cardas placement would mean you would have to listen near field as sitting distance from speaker is same as speaker to speaker distance, with speakers toed in at 60°.

In my limited experience a severe toe-in can produce a treble that's on the hotter side, so it's better to start off with only mild toe-in, then increase gradually. Milder toe-in allows one to sit further than the distance between speakers as the directive mid and high frequencies integrate further away.

It is also worthwhile to place speakers at one-fifth distance of room width from side walls (wall to center of speakers).
I am roughly at the third vertex of the equilateral triangle formed by the speaker positions. Right now at a conservative toe in. The speakers are classified as monitors.

for all its worth i have experimented with the speakers 60 inches from the back wall and i liked the sound but its a compromise with real estate..

start with the ideal and end up with what you are comfortable with..

I had sought the opinion of Mr Chacos for some speaker placement ideas. He recommended the Cardas audio room setup .
Distance Percentage
Speaker to side wall: RW x .276
Speaker to rear wall: RW x .447
Speaker to opposite side wall: RW x .724
Speaker to speaker: RW x .447
My room width is 18 feet so the speaker is about 8 feet from the rear wall.
Never had the speakers so far away from the rear wall. There is a depth to the sound stage . Still need to experiment further with the toe in etc.
hi Moktan ,
For me the rule of the thirds worked best..and this was Prems suggestion when he was at my place a year back .

What worked best was
- Distance between the speakers and speaker to walls ( from Inside walls) at exactly 1/3 of the room width
- Distance at the rear of the speakers at 1/5th ( since 1/3 was not feasible) of room length from froont of the speakers
- my speakers recommend toe in such that the line of sight crosses over just before my eyes..left speaker pointed to right ear and vice versa
- tweeter height at almost ear height when i sit on my chair.
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Arj, a slight correction. If using one third principle for side walls then distance between speakers is one third between the insides. Not from centre to centre
Arj, a slight correction. If using one third principle for side walls then distance between speakers is one third between the insides. Not from centre to centre
aah yes i remember now :) that was the mistake i made before as well !...corrected above
mpw, those suggestions are for mortals like us who live surrounded by 4 walls.

You need to plan concerts at your place :)
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