One more music server, also looks interesting

DIY? But I have no idea about the availability of specific parts. Perhaps one might have to order the case from abroad.

I just watched the Assembling CAPS v3 Topanga In Under 3 Minutes video. And cringed several times! Yes, I'm sure it is easy as it looks, and much easier than assembling even a desktop PC, but please...

--- keep the motherboard on some soft antistatic foam (probably from its own packing) when adding parts.

--- use static protection (eg wristband) and respect the sensitivity to static of the components you are handling and...

--- do not use random components as things to hold the assembly by, or to push down on while you insert screws. Especially not memory boards.

I really like that Computer Audiophile are coming up with these designs, and making them open, with the choice to buy or build for ourselves, but they really, really need to start with, and obey, the basics of safe PC assemby/maintenance.
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