Original Blu ray movie sale not allowed in forums?

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Nov 10, 2018

I wanted to ask why the forum does not allow sale of used original blu ray's here? So if we allow people to sell their personal HT equipment, aren't original video content also essential part of any high end home theatre? I would dread to think of running my home theatre only on netflix/amazon which sucks big time in audio quality. Same as buying a ferrari and putting kerosene as fuel :-)

Please do advise


I wanted to ask why the forum does not allow sale of used original blu ray's here? So if we allow people to sell their personal HT equipment, aren't original video content also essential part of any high end home theatre? I would dread to think of running my home theatre only on netflix/amazon which sucks big time in audio quality. Same as buying a ferrari and putting kerosene as fuel :)

Please do advise

Simple it is cos of questions about Genuine which cannot be confirmed remotely( whether it is original) and copyrights issue.afaik
The forum tries to ensure that there are no counterfeit or illegal objects (reasons arising from causes stated by Mr. Kalyan's post above) in sale section. If there is a way to prove that the discs are authentic, I don't see a reason why mods won't allow it.
Thanks.. If its about fake vs original, then that can happen to any hardware as well.. local speakers can be branded with stickers of B&W and sold..

however, its so easy to tell a fake from an original blu ray. The color of the disk itself will tell you right away. All pirated disks are dark blue on the bottom... and the originals are gold/silver. And any sale on the forum anyways requires photographs to accompany..

i am unaware of any copyright rules which prevents me from selling something i have bought. I just think it would benefit forum members immensely to get genuine video content on resale as well...
Completely agree with your point, in fact, I'm interested in your sale too. It's just good to know that the forum is here to help us get legit deals and stays as a trustworthy place for sales going forward :)
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.