Can we not set the STB to PAL or NTSC? I though this feature is there in all STBs? I am sure you can set most AVRs to PAL/NTSC.
STBs do natively support this feature, but as far as I know, the GUI imposed by the Indian service providers hide this option.
I have 3 Tata Sky STBs. On none of them, is this option exposed. I have searched the net far and wide, but I am yet to find a workaround which allows me to change a TataSky STB to a NTSC output.
Believe me, I have tried - I have a beautiful 42 inch Plasma which I brought back from US. Now, just used to watch DVDs.
I don't know about AVRs. I have a Denon 1910 (bought locally from ProFX). Have not been able to figure out a way to get a NTSC output from it.
I am very interested in hearing from anyone who has a solution to either of the above.
Also to be noted :
- multisystem TVs in US are available only from speciality stores (eg B&H)
- the pricing of such TVs makes them unviable to bring back to India
Have a look :
Multisystem Televisions