Picking a Plasma: Panasonic TH-P50ST50D or Samsung PS51E8000

Just wanted to update this thread. Samsung never came through with the 8000. I had placed an order simultaneously with Panasonic for the ST50 in December but they were being extremely non committal about delivery.

Anyway, long story short, I got in touch with Panasonic in mid-december and escalated the issue to the CEO and I got the ST50 delivered on Jan 3rd for 96K with Four 3D glasses. The month of import is December 2012 and the month of manufacture is November, 2012.

Just finished about 150 hours of break in (D-Nice slides) and now enjoying the setup.

Here's a picture of the setup:
View attachment 9506

Thanks for all the advice & help.


Can you please give me some way to approach the CEO?
I have been hunting since November for GT.
Okay - the reason for the confusion was that the ones that shipped with the TV seemed thinner and of relatively poorer build quality compared to the ones that were given extra - The supplemental pair also had USB quick charging IIRC.

The default ones need batteries, I think.
The extra ones are more expensive and they can be charged via USB.
Okay - the reason for the confusion was that the ones that shipped with the TV seemed thinner and of relatively poorer build quality compared to the ones that were given extra - The supplemental pair also had USB quick charging IIRC.
Wow! You got the extra glasses that have built-in rechargeable batteries. The ones supplied with the TV are without rechargeable batteries and require a button cell (CR-2025). Hence the extra glasses would be sturdier and I guess heavier also.

p/s. Button cell lasts for a couple of months or about 10 movies or so.
Nicely blended setup Vcash. What is your audio setup?

Thanks. Very basic - Denon AVR1513, Energy Take Classic 5.0 and Polk PSW110. Also have a pair of outdoor Yamaha NS-AW150 speakers that I can swap out with a Dayton Audio speaker selector when I want to play music on my terrace.
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