Plasma or LCD - Big confusion

well not a another plasma vs lcd battle ;),well its depends on what lcd u are comparing it with yesterday we were at a showroom although for purchasing a washing machine but just peeped to the tv section ,and straight away one tv caught my eye,and i knew it was a plasma and one that i would rather not have and it was a plasma from LG by far the worst of the lot,well its image was flickering such that when ever u watch tvs via videocameras or say a they show some programmes where there is a CRT shown u can seen the flickering.
the lcds IMO are easier on the eyes and lcd from sony dont have a glossy screen and there is minimal reflection.and from what i could see in the store not a single customer was intrested in buying a plasma tv,well as i was explaning to my brother about the sonys new s,v,w400A series, a man in mid 30s along with is wife asked me which tv he should by(well since i was talking all sorts of technical stuff with my brother and the sales person,the couple asked me)so while they werent sure which to buy i recommended samsung series 5 or sony S series,so in the end they went for the sony S series.
anway the plasma will have the edge in SD content while in HD lcds were far better ,offcourse a expensive FHD plasma like pioneer kuro will have the edge in contrast,but for HD content lcds still will have the edge.which was also acknowledged by chaos in another forum.
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I am in the graphics industry for almost 10 years now and dealing with colors on a daily basis.
CRT monitors produce the most ?? correct ?? color. But most production nowadays even for animated movies happen on LCD monitors. CRT calibrated monitors are preferred only in certain very paranoid color critical industries.
For most practical applications like watching TV, occasional DVD and even Blu-ray you can just go in for Plasma or LCD depending on what your eyes like. If you are a purist video junkie with a perfectly lit home theatre room(ideal conditions) and watch only blu-ray and 1080pPS3 games of the highest production quality and are quite paranoid about true color-tone and such, then Plasma is the way to go because it is more true but for most practical applications Lcd is quite good. Half the graphic artists in my studio use LCD at home and have no complaints:D

As square_wave is from graphics industry He said the real truth about CRT.
And I know every one is agree to that because I am also from same field.As he said all the animated movies happen on LCD monitors it dosen't mean LCD gives similar Output. It is because of production cost. CRT take more power and for an animated film colorr accurecy is not importent in all stage. It is not importent in modeling, Rigging, animation, storyline setup and there are many small departments. It is importent in Lighting ,special effect, Material finalization and compositing. So a stdio won't waste his space and electric bill in all areas.
If any compney is not using CRT in required department then they are not so interested for output and they are unprofessional.

Here the thing is do you want best or you want OK.
Or you dont even understand that what is the quality standered for good TV.
See friend some years back our bollywood hero GOVINDA was wearing some very funny outfits in films and many said that why he were that. For others it was funny but for him that was attractive.
One more thing instarting we got more ADs for LCD as compare to PLASMA. Many people bought LCD but still if you go to an honest person on showroom he will say PLASMA is good. So think if mass people is having LCD like mandeep(not because they are fool but because of large marketing of LCD and not so deep interest in technology while buying because when you want to buy no one can stop you. Who want to wait if you have money. And many deler in small town won't even import PLASMA. If you ask them do you have plasma they will say sir That is not good people are facing problem in plasma because he have to sell his LCD. Any many time people change there decission in last minit because of these things. But if you will go to a dealer who is having both in same quantity he will tell the truth.) how will they say buy PLASMA ?

We all understand your situation mandeep and adder.
Better luck next time .:)

Well theRock one who started the Thread is gone or what?

See theRock go to e-zone, Reliance Digital, Croma and ask them and judge by your self. Who knows you may see things differentely. :)
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dude its upto the consumers to decide what is good for them ,not all like the pictures of plasma and vice versa,but majority like the images of lcd.

just like in audio where one may like boomy bass and another might like shallow bass etc one may like a warm sound other may not like etc,in the end its upto the individual.
for those asking the questions like which is better we can only give u our opinion ,eg in another forum there was a person asking which camera to choose both the cameras he has mentioned have their drawbacks so its upto the buyer ,for me a camera which has better lens,followed by sensor comes first.
even in this forums some may like the slight advantage of IPS panels in viewing angle department,and other like me like the real contrast advantage of SPVA panels,since the SPVA panels show more details then other panels in darks shadow regions,etc and superior blacks.
some plasma and without doubt lg plasma show less black levels and poor contrast,while some other plasma may have the edge in contrast compared to AIPS,SIPS based panasonic,toshiba,hitachi,philips,lg etc it may loose in contrast departement compared to SPVA based samsung and sony and some plasma like pioneer exceed the contrast levels of samsung and sony lcds by 20%(except lcds with active led backlight).
SAME OLD PROVING GOOD / BAD story................thats why i never wanted to enter into this........

baby_ka_janu, i am not in the PLASMA/LCD war.

BOTH Plasma/LCD have their own customers, NO Advertisement,bad publicity can make an average indian buy a product that does not make sense to him, and give away/throw away his money without thought...the whole purpose is to know what we are getting.

to some plasma suits the best and to some LCD.

END OF TOPIC...for me


Buddy, by saying you just dont add a end to the topic...
U havnt prooved a single point tht y n wt even a single point LCD have over Plasma...

yes if you wanna give up..thn thts ur choice..
bt the fact is tht u r confusing a newbie whu's here to buy a TV...

Proove atleast one point of yours PRACTICALLY...
Looks like Mandeep won't post , and he has edited and deleted all the content in his posts...

Well it's nice to have a good discussion on plasma and lcd as there are lovers and buyers for both.

Agree with Mridul, for a new buyer we should be able to highlight the pros and cons of both, in the end he should buy what pleases him the most ...

As we have both Plasma & Lcd users in the forum here so we have a good knowledge and user base of both technologies and people using them everyday , which can contribute to benefit new buyers in guiding them in the right direction ....
Looks like Mandeep won't post , and he has edited and deleted all the content in his posts...

Well it's nice to have a good discussion on plasma and lcd as there are lovers and buyers for both.

Agree with Mridul, for a new buyer we should be able to highlight the pros and cons of both, in the end he should buy what pleases him the most ...

As we have both Plasma & Lcd users in the forum here so we have a good knowledge and user base of both technologies and people using them everyday , which can contribute to benefit new buyers in guiding them in the right direction ....

He must have deleted all his posts..

But most of them are preserved with me, which he cannot disturb...:D

Even though he has left, but i would support his points in general way, and his doctors view...
But, he was not able to accept, that when the technologies combines, and when there is a update, the impact is different...

He didnt realized but, he was against all the visual displays, whether its a LCD or Plasma or CRT...
And tht we all know, tht excess TV viewing have adverse effects on our eyes...n obviously health...
My own experience with both LCD and Plasma:
I first bought a LCD 32", that too an LG, just because the all shopkeepers were saying that plasma is an old technology, LCDs are much better and "look, everyone is buying LCD...". At that time, i was a novice without any knowledge about the two technologies i.e. LCD & Plasma.
Here, marketting had played an important role in my decision, which I guess is the case with most of the layperson buyers.
Later on, i came to know about the technical details and pros and cons of the two technologies, mostly through this forum.
I also visited many big showrooms like Reliance digital and Croma where I got an opportunity to compare many brands LCDs and plasmas side by side & playing same content.
By that time, I slowly realised the shortfalls of the LCD TV I already had my home like very "narrow" viewing angle, very poor blacks, eye strain in bright scenes etc. Some of these were attributable to the TV being LG and some due to technological limitations of LCD.
After considering all these, reading through a lot of reviews and my own personal experience, I decided to take a plunge again by selling off the LCD and buying a Panasonic Plasma. And my God, I am more than happy to have made this decision.
There is a vast difference in picture quality as compared to LCD, what with suffering a LG for so many months. The higher or top-end LCDs from Sony or Samsung may be a shade better, I do not dispute this fact, but then they cost almost double than a plasma (in 42" size). And the quality difference may be only very slight.
I have no idea why mandeep removed his all posts.
Is it because no one would be able to QUOTE his words or he is not agree with himself ? People one more great person is adder. what mandeep did is he searched all the post which is supporting LCD and used them in his post and tried to support his stand.
The other great man adder searched my posts what I like and what are my doubts and answered me by quoting them. Ha Ha Ha Ha..........
Man what it actualy mean. adder By doing this you had weaken your point.
Again I will say may be you see things differentely. Who can say two man are seeing same thing in same manner ?

We still understand your pain mandeep and adder.

Better luck for next TV.:D
I have no idea why mandeep removed his all posts.
Is it because no one would be able to QUOTE his words or he is not agree with himself ? People one more great person is adder. what mandeep did is he searched all the post which is supporting LCD and used them in his post and tried to support his stand.
The other great man adder searched my posts what I like and what are my doubts and answered me by quoting them. Ha Ha Ha Ha..........
Man what it actualy mean. adder By doing this you had weaken your point.
Again I will say may be you see things differentely. Who can say two man are seeing same thing in same manner ?

We still understand your pain mandeep and adder.

Better luck for next TV.:D

i dont give a shit what u say:p,and i havent in anyway weaked my point,in this forums many members have had a healthy debate with me,but i havent seen a guy like u looking for trouble.
btw i haven't searched ur post and dont give a shit about them,since u did the name calling i replied to ur post:p
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why are we making this personal? let's fight about technologies!

Bro thats what goes wrong in places like these forums & blogs...
These places are created for sharing n discussing something, but people develop negative feelings trying to proove there point...

i am not considering mandeep, adder, baby-ka-janu, or someone in particular, because this is not the first time, something like this has happened...
but this a regular scene...

I think thts the reason, y many great people like, sreekanth n all, have reduced there way onto this forum...

Agree with Mridul,

Like i had posted in my earlier post, everyone has a right of view and we should not make discussions personal but gain experience and knowledge from the same,

We have users using both Plasma & Lcd's who can share their experiences and help in guiding new buyers ....

Let us all be at peace and enjoy a healthy discussion and debate and keep it professional ...
i dont give a shit what u say:p,and i havent in anyway weaked my point,in this forums many members have had a healthy debate with me,but i havent seen a guy like u looking for trouble.
btw i haven't searched ur post and dont give a shit about them,since u did the name calling i replied to ur post:p

This is the second attempt to weaking your point.
And your frustration is now visible.
God bless you.:)
This is the second attempt to weaking your point.
And your frustration is now visible.
God bless you.:)

well what ever dude and even for a second i never even taught of that weaking piont claim ,:pand funny i never even taught of ur claims whether are not i even taught of this u are thinking so i feel that u want to be heard and or do u feel u dont get the attention ,anyway i dont want to argue with u anymore,i have seen people like u before who have been silenced.:p

well we have all shared are view about lcd and plasma or anyother stuff before and it was very informative to everbody and enjoyable discussion for me:) ,but it was this guy baby_ka_janu who started it,and i dont know what his deal all i can say is that he is a fan boy of one tech,for sure.
well what ever dude and even for a second i never even taught of that weaking piont claim ,:pand funny i never even taught of ur claims whether are not i even taught of this u are thinking so i feel that u want to be heard and or do u feel u dont get the attention ,anyway i dont want to argue with u anymore,i have seen people like u before who have been silenced.:p

well we have all shared are view about lcd and plasma or anyother stuff before and it was very informative to everbody and enjoyable discussion for me:) ,but it was this guy baby_ka_janu who started it,and i dont know what his deal all i can say is that he is a fan boy of one tech,for sure.

Your 1st post was little informative (or I should say looks informative) but after that all the post had only revenge and slang which reflects your level of understanding about TV And yourself. Try to control your emotion and stop putting your frustation on post . This will help you to understand about Technology.

Otherwise you will learn nothing.
Best of luck for your next TV . :)
May god bless you. :D
Your 1st post was little informative (or I should say looks informative) but after that all the post had only revenge and slang which reflects your level of understanding about TV And yourself. Try to control your emotion and stop putting your frustation on post . This will help you to understand about Technology.

Otherwise you will learn nothing.
Best of luck for your next TV . :)
May god bless you. :D

again i never taught of revenge ,but the fact is u are thinking about it:rolleyes: now i know why u posted in this topic, to start a fight .
and in my posts i am clearing the myths of lcds and some facts to prove it by sharing info which are from reputed review sites and my own experience .
when people compare todays lcds to todays plasma ,some plasmas may have advantage and at the same time some lcds also may have the upper hand ,so it depends on what lcds to what plasma u compare eg a comparision lg Lcd to a plasma obviously the plasma will have a hell of a lot in advantages particulary in contrast and black levels,but when u compare to lcds from samsung and sony its not the same anymore ,they have the advantage in contrast,shadow details to number of plasmas out there,the only plasmas that have a edge in contrast are like the ones from pioneer and the newer 1080p plasma from panasonic which i havent denied,also i havent denied that plasmas are good for SD .but people here dont take into account the drawbacks of plasma like for eg the burn in ,its still there and u should be cautious when u are going to use ,i dont think what i have said is wrong.
and some people who have bought plasma a long time back,at that time lcds was lagging behind ,now lcds are more then a match to plasmas so people saying plasma are miles better is misleading.
now plasma are cheaper compared to lcd but irespective of that if people prefer plasma so much then they should have the edge in sales,but that hasnt happend,since its upto the people to decide which images they like the one from plasma or one from lcd.
so when a person asks which to choose a lcd or plasma i have the right to say the advantages of lcd and drawbacks of plasma which people refrain from saying,which is mentioned a lot more in other forums where there are lot of people who have lcds and plasmas.
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