So once more we have a plasma vs LCD/LED discussion. :lol: Here are my own thoughts on the subject.
The best praiseworthy qualities of a TV with PDP is black levels, natural colours, near instantaneous response and size per size lower cost.
Consider the first two, viz., black levels and natural colours. These should be of very high importance if majority of watched content consists of Hollywood movies. This is where the famed black level of plasma comes to the forefront and makes watching so much a joy. High black levels means that one can see more shades of grey and can distinguish the objects in the background that are enclosed in shadows or dark areas. Also you would want the colours to be true to the original and not saturated. But if one is watching normal TV channels or Indian movies, the black level/natural colour is not very much relevant because the picture frame is already saturated with bright and vivid colours.
Second, black level is something that may be over hyped. Now, if one has two TVs at home with different black levels, then one will be able to appreciate the difference and the joys of high blacks. Otherwise, the eyes will adjust to the current TV set and no one will not notice any presence of 24,576 shades of gray vs. 8192 shades of gray.
Next let us consider the near instantaneous response. Nothing can beat CRT or plasma in this area. The response time of a plasma is 0.0001 ms which is 20000 times faster than the best LCD/LED TV that has it at 2ms. Does this matter? Yes and no. It matters when watching fast sports and action. It matters when there are very fast camera pans across the scene. But if one watching Indian soaps with close-up shots of all actors one after another and background music beating at its grotesque dha-tchwang, dha-tchwang, dha-tchwang, then really the plasma will not bring additional benefits.
Turning to overall picture quality, plasma wins. Only the top end LED models such as Samsung 7/8 series, Sony HX850/HX950, Sharp Elite Pro, etc. can come near to plasma. And these models are very expensive. The Sharp Elite Pro which is known to beat the plasma is not available in India and costs over $4500 at its cheapest. The LED TV is still an LCD panel. To produce the black levels of plasma, each LCD crystal/pixel must be backlit by an LED and then individually dimmed/switched off. There is no way an edgelit TV (with/without local dimming) can do this. When the wafer thin Samsung LED's appeared, I used t wonder why Sony's models were still thick. That was before education. The thinness of the Samsung TV was because of edgelit LEDs. Sony continued the blacklit technology that was easier to dim and produce better blacks.
Finally cost. A plasma TV will beat the equivalent sized LED for the size. Plasma TV is not available below 42" but 42" plasma will be cheaper than most (if not all) 42" LED. This is because plasma panel is cheaper to manufacture. The LED panel cost is reducing by the year and soon there may not be any difference. And perhaps by that time, plasma will be extinct. Yes. This is another factor to consider - sooner rather than later, plasma panels will be restricted to very large size professional displays only. But that does not mean it is a bad technology. In fact, it is a better technology than LCD/LED.
Plasma will consume more power. Over twice the LED of equivalent size. But if you consider the cost difference paid up front (as of today), then this factor nullifies itself. It is like buying the higher costing diesel car believing that it is cheaper to run because it returns better fuel economy than a petrol car.
So to a ordinary person who just wants to watch content an LED is a better option. I am myself a fan of plasma technology. I also watch a lot of Hollywood movies via BD and DVD and to me colour accuracy and black levels are important. Hence I chose the plasma TV.