While on Linux audio Thad - I am curious what you make of the sampling-focused HQPlayer. A trial is available for both Linux and Windows.
Well, to be honest, I'm curious to know what I think of
upsampling, even! I haven't made sense of it so far, in theory or in practice
Will take a look at that player.
Santy said:
From some FM's feedback, it appears that 3>2>1.
That's certainly how it's
supposed to be, and if it isn't, then we are throwing our money away!
The SPDIF from header suffers lot of EM noises is the general consensus.
There's a lot of "general consensus" that comes from assumptions, theory, and even prejudices. How many of those have
heard "EM noises?" And of those who find a piece of external equipment to be superior to a piece of internal equipment, how many jump to conclusions as to the reason? "Oh, that'll be the EM noise... the jitter..." Maybe it's just a better piece of kit? Or, if it is noise, maybe a better power supply might have cured it too. I leave that stuff to the people who have probes, oscilloscopes, and stuff, and who know what to do with it. Do systems have jitter? Or do people?