Please suggest a false ceiling option

Please see my 3 posts on Page 1 of this thread.

I realise that I have already posted a picture. That pic also shows the CD rack ( Pigeon Hole CD rack )

Will take some more Pics and post tonight, if I get home not too tired....

The Fibre wool is a Medium density 2 inch thick Dupont Fibrewool. I dont have a Part Number... was probably on the roll, and that is History :o

However should be available with any shop selling Fibre wool for Aircon Ducts.

As mentioned in my earlier post ( Page 1 of this thread ) do Not take the one with bonded foil on 1 side.
Hi Guys,

This is a pic of the room - Front view

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This is a pic of the rear of the room, where the listener sits.

Note the pidegon hole type CD storage slots, and the concealed lights behind the CD rack that provides a glow, and subdued lighting, when the main lights are turned off.

The walls around this are wall papered, to get some reflective sound ( and not make the room too acoustically dead.)

Also note the alternate Horizontal and Vertical Louvres on the door. I did this to make the door act as a diffuser for mid and HF, since it directly faces the Seakers and is located almost exactly behind the listening position. The door is also stuffed with the same Fibre woll to reduce vibration, and minimise sound leaking out and causing a disturbance to others in the house.

Same design also used on the other (bathroom) door, which is located close to the left speaker. Same reason... to act as a diffuser, rather than relect and beam Mid & High Freq..

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A picture showing the rope lights puled out. They are cheap and easily avaiable. I preferred the cheaper ones with the light bulbs rather than LDs, since the incandescent bulbs give a softer light.

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Pictures of the ceiling, with and without the Cove lights.

Note that the Acoustic panel cover about 30% of the ceiling.

This panel can also be used to run wires for a HT Projector ( I am strictly a 2 channel Stereo guy ! )

Also note the Acoustic panels on the wall in the background


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The panels are ALL made by a carpenter, and consist of a wooden frame over which cloth is stretched.

Its then friction fitted over a wood frame mounted on the wall. Wood frame with white paint in the pic.

See pic :

A close up pic of the Panel rear.

You can see the fibre wool ( orange colour ) and note the criss crossed nylon string to hold the fibre wool in place.

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Thanks a lot IndianEars. I can't stop ogling at that lovely stereo setup:thumbsup:.

I learnt a lot through those close-up pics. I am not able to make out if you have put absorbant panels throughout the room or is it only the top portion of each wall?

Also, please post the model numbers of the equipment and also how you have done that power setup. Is that a setup from abroad? If it is off-topic, maybe you could post in a relevant thread and PM me so I don't miss it...Thanks
IndianEars just one word A-W-E-S-O-M-E :licklips::clapping:
I am just out of words now.Excellent.Beautiful.
It's a professional job.Thats DIY right and you did it. Oh man...

My only suggestion ,change the golden yellow window drapes and your room will look outa this world.
I am not able to make out if you have put absorbant panels throughout the room or is it only the top portion of each wall?

Look at the pictures giving an overall view of the room. The light colour patches are sound absorbent panels, the darker patches are Golden coloured wall paper,

Sam, sorry to know that you did not like the curtains ! ;)

Guys, thanks a ton for your Very generous appreciation. Hope the pictures help others make their own panels, even if they are to be fitted in a few select spots in your listening room. I just wanted to show what can be done, without spending very much, and the results need not look ugly...

My Equipment:

ELECTROCOMPANIET CD Player - CD-1 ( Upsamples to 24 bit & 96 KHz )

Interconnect: ARGENTO MASTER REF Balanced

Pre Amp: AUDIO RESEARCH LS-26 Hybrid ( Valve Solid State )

Interconnect: ARGENTO MASTER REF Balanced

POWER AMPS: GAMUT D-200 Monoblocks

Speaker Cable: Transparent Audio "Plus BiCable"


Rack: Finite Elements 'Spider'


SHUNYATA HYDRA 8 WITH Shunyata Python Power Cord to wall outlet

CARDAS Reference To CD Player ( Thru the Hydra )

AUDIO POWER PL313 to the Pre Amp ( Thru The Hydra )

PS AUDIO 'POWER PLUS' to each power amp directly to the wall Outlet.

Separate Mains Spurs feeding the Hydra ( Low Power Equipment) and the Power Amps.

Power Spurs for the Audio quipment do not power any other equipment including the Aircon, CFL lights etc

CD PLAYER Stands on 3 Brass Cones with Tungsten tips
Pre Amp on Plastic Standoffs ( work In Progress ! )
Each Power Amp On 3 pairs of Sainless Steel Double Cups with Ball Bearings (DIY)
HYDRA on Sorbothane ( spongy ) feet
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I found an interesting ceiling option - 'Acoustic Cloud' on another Forum. The solution here involves a product called RPG 'BAD' panels. BAD here stands for "Binary Amplitude Diffsorbor" and is a combination of Diffusion and Absorption. According to the source thread, the idea is to provide uniform sound diffusion at high and mid band frequencies and crosse over to pure absorption below the diffusive cutoff. The energy that is not diffused is absorbed.

In my home theatre room, I am toying with the idea of achieving something similar by extending "Indian Ears" ceiling treatment and adding a peg board between the acoustic fabric and the rigid fibre glass. I may need to make some more random holes though. I could probably even add some "DIY LED Starlights" easily to a peg board.

Ps: In the RPG BAD panel, the holes are not random and have been achieved by some scientific calculation which is beyond my understanding:o. So, I may just add a few more random holes.

IndianEars has consciously covered only 30% of this ceiling so that the music doe not sound "lifeless". I think this might be a solution if one wants to cover the entire ceiling.

Let me know your views on my post.

Information Source: avsforum here. You may need to login to see the pictures.

I am attaching before and after pictures for the benefit of those who are not members of avsforum:
WIP pic:

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Hi IndianEars,

Wow! The amount of thought and detail you have put into your listening room really shows in the quality of the work and more in the quality of the equipment you have lined up!

Quick question - how much power is your power spur delivering to your audio setup? From the plug it looked like it was 6.6KVA (30A, 220V) connection - can you please confirm? How much power do you estimate you consume on an annual basis for the listening room?

My reason for asking is because I would like to make arrangements for a suitable power supply to my home and have the necessary split (including all the applications / permissions :confused:) for the AV / listening room.

Thank you!
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Hello unBound,

MUCH appreciate your kind words.

Though my Power amps are 200 Watt Monoblocks, they are NOT Class A Biased. Hence their power on idle is low.

I would estimate my Audio System's power consumption at around 100 Watts when switched on and approx 200 Watts average when listening to music LOUD

I switch it on only when listning to music ( I give it a 15 minute warm up time before critical listning.)

I dont think the audio listning is adding significantly to the house hold electric bill :)

On the other hand, there is a 1 Ton AirCon (window Unit) in the room. When that is switched on .....

The important (IMHO) issue is to have a separate Mains Spur from the Mains Switch for the Stereo, separate from the AC and lighting...

I have run TWO separate lines for the Music system - One powers the Monoblocks and the other the Pre & CD Player ( thru the Shunyata )..

The Shunyata Pyton Power Cord from the Shunya to the wall is a 20 Ampere Plug while all the others are 15 Amperes each.

Keep in mind the Shunyata is a USA product, so their Current drawn ( @110V AC ) is double the current we draw ( for the same equipment wattage ) since we are at 240 VAC.

I suspect I am not drawing even peak currents ( except at Switch on ) anywhere close to the Max continious ratings.

Any more info I can provide, do feel free to ask...
HI folks,

I am not setting up a full-fledged HT for now but intend to put up gypsum false ceiling for my listening room. Main purpose is to beat the heat and reduce the load on the ac.
Does gypsum tiles provide any additional acoustic benefits(or at least no negatives to mar my listening). Dont want to get armstrong as they are supposedly not dampness proof(being in the top floor, cant take a chance) . Appreciate any suggestion.
I visited Anutone a couple of days ago and they have a polyester based board for ceiling for about Rs. 52/sft - I am considering getting the black boards
1. IMHO, the MOST important consideration is to ENSURE that the false ceiling that you make is not a resonant cavity !

2. I doubt that Gypsum will absorb Low Frequency energy...

Just my 2 cents .....:)
Buy from India's official online dealer!