Please suggest Best Entry level Home theatre within 15000-20000.
Also can i also get a decent BDP within this price and HT .
My first preference is HT and then if possible within this budget then i can buy a BDP , as i can play almost all formats in my Panasonic 42UT50
what are pros and cons of BDP and media player? Which might be a better option
Please suggest the model no and its approx price of HT and BDP
Please suggest Best Entry level Home theatre within 15000-20000.
Also can i also get a decent BDP within this price and HT .
My first preference is HT and then if possible within this budget then i can buy a BDP , as i can play almost all formats in my Panasonic 42UT50
what are pros and cons of BDP and media player? Which might be a better option
Please suggest the model no and its approx price of HT and BDP