Please suggest replacement for HD RE2


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
One of the monitors on my RE2s recently conked off after 3 years. Am looking to get a replacement and would like suggestions for IEMs in the 2k price range. quite enjoyed the great mids of the RE2 but always did feel they had just a little less bass than I preferred. I listen to mostly Indian pop/rock music and am open to purchasing online. can look for Soundmagic E10 or E30 from Flipkart or Homeshop18.. I am presently using E30 with my Galaxy and I am really happy with its performance. E10 is more musically engaging, a little bass heavy, and E30 is more detailed, and analytical.
Thank you athirst, I'll check out the E10s. Please suggest some alternatives which would be good for a comparison.
Thanks Boomslang, I've not heard of the Vsonic brand before. Could you please let me know which model would you recommend in the 2k price range?

Another question - How good are the Brainwave IEMs? - not sure which model was in the 2k price range.
Thanks Boomslang, I've not heard of the Vsonic brand before. Could you please let me know which model would you recommend in the 2k price range?

Another question - How good are the Brainwave IEMs? - not sure which model was in the 2k price range.

There's only one site in India that sells Vsonic products. Not sure about the policies of this forum but it comes up in google search.

Vsonic is a Chinese company similar to Soundmagic which its why it provides great value for money. So much so that their 2k products even match the higher priced products of the more famous brands like Brainwavz and Klipsch.

Only Brainwavz m1 comes in the 2k price range I think...
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