Pls prescribe a perfect set up for HT for movies 50'/. And music 50 '/. .


New Member
Jan 10, 2012
I have a 200 sq. ft room . Need to set up a 5.1 & later expand to 7.1 .
My pref is both movie + music. .
* Cannot buy towers / floor standing. ( bookshelves on a stand will do ).
* do satellites deliver more in movies ?
* do bookshelves deliver less in movies and surround?
* someone told me marantz 6006 (8 ohms) with wharfdale 5.1 (6 ohms) does it match.
* my budget is upto 2 lac ( avr + speakers+ univ Bly ray)
* any source to buy the system cheaper ( online shopping site )

I had finalised on denon 2313 + kef 3005se 5.1 sats but I thought sats wont deliver much music . Is it so ?
Or if I buy bookshelves will they deliver less surround and HT EXPERIENCE.

Guys pls help me

You are right. The combination that you selected will deliver more (much more) for movies. For good music, the front left and right must be of top quality. The AVR must also be music oriented. I do not know why you are averse to floorstanders but not minding bookshelves on stands. They will basically occupy the same volume. But talking to some audiophiles here and also listening to auditions, I have come to understand that 20~30k bookshelves can deliver more performance as compared to 40K towers.
  1. I am not an expert at music and hi-fi. But I would suggest that for music+movies you go with the Marantz SR6006 (52K at HiFiMart) instead of the Denon 2313.
  2. For the fronts L+R, I think you should go woth Focal Chorus 807W. These BS's deliver very good sound and have sensitivity of 92dB. They may be expensive but I think you should audition them at least.
  3. For center and surround, you can audition and choose any brand. Just ensure the rear L+R are the same brand. Wharfedale Diamond 10.CS (16K at HiFiMart) is good choice for centre and you could go with Wharfedale Diamond 10.DFS package for surrounds (15K at HiFiMart).

Golden rule: You should audition a lot.
For the speakers take a look at Paradigm
Millenia LP - Left, Right and Center Speaker- Wall Mount
Millenia One 2.0- Pair For the Rear
Millenia One Sub

With Marantz 6007

This will set you back around 2.6 Lakhs and you can pick up an excellent bluray player for the rest
Forgot to mention the sub. Audition many and select one that matches your taste and budget. 20-22k should be enough.

For a BDP, recommend Panasonic DMP-BDT220 from Amazon via iShopinternational. landed cost = 8500.

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Thanx for yr opinion ,
I need all 2 front and 2 rear of same type . The reason is that my living room is rectangle and I'll watch TV in one direction say east- west , but wen I'm watching my projector it'll be north- south. So instead of changing speakers position I'll change pins behind the avr.
Hence I need all 4 speakers of same type.
So now if I have to buy speakers which do u think is perfect for 50'/. Movies and 50'/. Music .
Are bookshelf good for surround .
I think i understand what you are trying to do-- but a picture would describe it better--Do you have a sketch of your room- showing TV watching and Projector watching configuration
Thanx for yr opinion ,
I need all 2 front and 2 rear of same type . The reason is that my living room is rectangle and I'll watch TV in one direction say east- west , but wen I'm watching my projector it'll be north- south. So instead of changing speakers position I'll change pins behind the avr.
Hence I need all 4 speakers of same type.
So now if I have to buy speakers which do u think is perfect for 50'/. Movies and 50'/. Music .
Are bookshelf good for surround .

No you just cant do this. You cant change few connections at the back of AVR and convert front L or R to rear surround L or R and viseversa. For this you need all the speakers to be of same brand and having same tech specs. But what will you do with the center everytime you switch between TV and Projector? Move it physically?
Instead simply have the TV and the projector screen at the same side and maybe, just maybe, move your seating forward or backward. This is the max adjustment you can build in.
It can be done with a custom speaker selector box- Note You would need two center channel speakers

The way it work is all 6 speakers would be wired to the speaker selector box
Config 1- Left Rear, Center2 (Not used) Left, Center1, Right, Right Rear- would be selected
Config 2- Right Rear(Now Left Rear), Left Rear (now Left) Center 2, Left (now Right) Center1 (Not used), Right (Now Right rear)- would be selected
Thtpro ... That's it.
Here I feel audyssey will help me.
Hence I'm looking for same brand 4 speakers. Centre speaker can be manually shifted .
It can be done I guess in satellite speakers but since my preference is music too, I'm looking for music speakers. Which can give surround effect too for movies.
I'm no expert but to me it seems it'll end up being too much trouble and result in you not using one of the setups (most probably PJ). Changing speaker cables, shifting Center channel, making sure you have the correct audyssey setting for your current setup, changing all 4 speaker's orientation by 90 degrees to make sure they are all facing the right direction for the setup, and then changing the sofa direction. Also speaker placement of speakers will be an issue too since you want two different setups.

If I was you I'd just say F* it and watch the movie on the tv itself. But then you're not me and maybe you won't think of this as too much hassle. I hope you've atleast considered all this and are fine with it atleast in theory.

Any specific reason you're going with this route instead of using a motorised screen in front of the TV? A simple drawing of your planned room will be really helpful here.
I agree with nSinghal. Two equivalent sets of front and rear speakers, two center channel speakers, changing interconnects, automated configuration, extra wiring, etc. seams like a collosal waste of money to TV. But then it is not my money.
view 1.jpg

view 2.jpg

view 1 is wen tv in use
view 2 is wen projector in use....note all speakers not shifted just center speaker shifted and sofa shifted
Why not use View 2 all the time?--
Retract the screen into the ceiling when watching TV,
Pull the screen down when watching Movie. The screen can be motorized
View attachment 9649

View attachment 9650

view 1 is wen tv in use
view 2 is wen projector in use....note all speakers not shifted just center speaker shifted and sofa shifted

Why not use View 2 all the time?--
Retract the screen into the ceiling when watching TV,
Pull the screen down when watching Movie. The screen can be motorized

Exactly. A very cumbersome and tiresome approach. Better approach will be as suggested above:

1. TV on wall behind screen
2. Screen can be ceiling recessessed that pops-out motorized.
Atul, you won't need to shift the rest of the speakers but you will need to change the direction. In view one, the fronts will be facing the sofa and rears will be facing the tv. Now in view 2, your new fronts will now be facing each other instead of you on the sofa. Same for rears though those might not matter much even if you don't change the orientation. Maybe if you plan to use the PJ less than once or twice a month max, it won't feel like too much trouble. If I was in your place, such a setup would surely limit my PJ usage coz of all the hassle as I plan to use it quite a bit more (atleast twice a week). In the end its you who has to live with it. If you're fine with it then its all good. Go with whatever your gut says :)
Thtpro / jst4 kix ....... Behind the screen there is equally big French window and a balcony behind which I'm gonna cover by a blackout roller blind, which itself is my screen.:lol:
It was my dream to have a good HT & Projector both. But unfortunately getting a house of yr requirement in mumbai is not easy hence such compromises .
Thanx for thinking for me...
Which speakers will go with marantz6006 considering music and movies both. Considering all4 speakers of same tech specs . Marantz 6006 in hifi mart is 52k .
Universal blu ray might be 30k. I have 1-1.20 lac for speakers.
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.