Pls suggest big screen 3D LED TV : 46 and 55 inch


New Member
Oct 17, 2008
Hi friends,

As the title suggests , I am in market for a huge 3D LED TV.

at least 46-47 or 55 inches.

It should be a Smart TV ( ? what does it mean).

It should be WiFi- enabled or integrated .

Should I go for passive or Active 3D ??

LG OR Samsung OR Sony ??:rolleyes:

Put in your inputs whatever they may be.

PS : This purchase is in Dubai where the prices for 47 LG cinema is 4499 dirhams(~70K) and Samsung 55 is 7855 Dhs.

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for 3d i would suggest the LG sets, purely because they use passive 3d and the glasses are much more confortable and convenient to use as compared to the bulky, battery powered and expensive-to-buy-extra-so-manage-with-just-2-free-ones glasses used by sony/samsung etc etc tvs which use active 3d.

on other thoughts, are you sure you want to go fo 3d tech rightaway? as its still evolving and there is very little content available (except movies) in 3d format. plus sharp and toshiba are already out with their 55" glasses free 3d LED tvs (though they are like 7 lacs a piece now.!). so its just a matter of, say, a couple of years max before we are free from the cumbersome glasses to watch 3d...give it a thought.

cheers and all the best.!
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