portable audio player


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
need a good mp3 player ,must support flac and expandable memory. video is not necessary. can spend around 4000-5000 ..
heard cowon is good, with BBe eq. ...but I would listen in flat eq. ...
one last question : will my required player sound better than my xperia live Walkman. .

thanks in advance.
havent used many players so far except Sansa fuze and i liked it for what it can handle. I rockboxed mine. major reason why i got this as opposed to Cowon j3 is the click wheel. I have 8gb version with 16gb microsd and hope to get 32gb micro sd soon. Click-wheel is the easiest way to navigate through the large audio library if you ask me. Scrolling through library on touch-based Galaxy y phone was horrible experience for me esp. after using Blackberry and Fuze with click-wheel.

If you are comfortable with touch probably Cowon J3 and if you need tactile controls then i guess Fuze is best. No Non-sense player. When rockboxed, you get tons of options. Its pretty gud AUDIO player if you ask me :)
I guess cowon one is good.!
By the way, if you can go for a used one, you can also find pretty nyc deal for ipod nano.!
It has great sound and it can support apple lossless.!
Flac can be converter to apple lossless very easily using dbpoweramp converter.!

Hope it helps :)
There's no saying which ones will sound better than your walkman, because I've not heard them.

If it has the typical Sony signature of boosted bass, warm mids and you are looking for something neutral, all Sansa players come into contention. I've owned Fuze V1 and had two Clip+s (now only one Clip+). They all sound the same to me. Rockbox improves things in terms of UI and adds a usable EQ option.

Cowon players are good as long as you want EQ. It's charm is in the BBE effects. Cowon has a good community support (iaudiophile.net), so most players get decent UCIs to replace the default UI. Since I read that almost all Cowon players sound the same, based on my experience with S9, I'd say they have more power than the Sansa, may be a bit better in sound stage, but a tad drier too in normal EQ. But then, they have a far better battery life than the Sansas (Fuze v2 supposed to be 20 hours, Clip+ - 10-15, S9 - 30+ easily).

Can you try a Cowon somewhere - at a friend's place or elsewhere? Your ears are the best way to decide.
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