This is pretty standard, with prices being reduced with the new model year and has nothing to do with so called "black level problems". Last year and the years before that, the prices were similiarly reduced with the introduction of new models. This year the AE4000 projector came in at $2500 compared to last years's model the AE3000, which was priced at $3500 and this was long before any "black level problems" became an issue.
Who said about black level problems having anything to do with prices? Hints about pricing were pretty much given away before black level problems were highlighted by CNET on 26th Jan . S2 prices for eg were available even before this on the US website. Panasonic hardly cared until that time though folks at AVS forum highlighted this months ago.
Also please read the "Panasonic 2010 models" AVS forum link .You will see price approximations were all accurate + or minus 100$ for all models except for the V20/V25. All this was made before the CNET observation was first made.
Japanese G20/G25 prices were released just after CES 2010(indicating a price drop) and were officially released on 5th Feb. So this too was before the CNET article. So obviously prices have not factored the black level issue
I think many of us understand why prices have come down. Panasonic's need to keep plasmas at competitive prices vis a vis LCDs and their need to concentrate on volumes given declining profits .
I think it was my mistake that i quoted Dushie which gave the feeling that i seconded that comment. The comments i made were about pricing in general. I din mean to link it with black level problems at al. I have been following US Panasonic prices for the past few months and I was pretty sure of what the end prices for 2010 C2, S2 and G20/G25 models would have been in the US.
The reason for following US prices was because many Indian models retailed at around an additional 30% of US convertible prices(with 1dollar=50Rs)
I am sorry bout this... But i couldn't quite relate the projector example that you mentioned with the black level problem.
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