Power Amplifier for Hifiman Susvara

Has anyone experienced using Indian made power amplifiers with hard to drive planars like Susvara ?
I'm using "xDuoo XD-05 PLUS" for sometime now, and it sounds absolutely transparent and dynamic with my collection of open back and closed back headphones. You can look into it
Hi, connect with Nitin Kaushik from Anode Acoustics and ask him if he can make one for you. The one HiFiman themself make for Susvara is $18K (EF1000 integrated). I am sure you can get much better complete Tube amplifier custom made by Nitin at a much lower price.
Can someone suggest a stand alone power amplifier (my DAC has pre-amp functionality) for driving Hifiman Susvara available in India and within 1.5L budget range ?
Has anyone used any Indian made power amplifiers with Susvara ?
For purely loudspeaker folks cursing me to ask for power amp for a headphone the explanation is that it's usually said on various western forum that for Hifiman Susvara the best sound is achieved using banana power of a clean power amplifier as it's fairly hard to drive planar and require a good amount of current to shine.

@ZzZzZ , you are going to need something with at least 25-40 watts RMS of power, and an amp that has a super quiet power supply.

If you can before you buy the amp, measure the AC ripple on the power supply caps, should be down in the micro volt range. If its in the millivolt range you are going to hear it as a slighty noise on the HP. Best of luck.
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