Power Amplifier Recommendation


Active Member
Apr 18, 2010
Dear All,

I have Usher CP 6311 speakers. These 8 Ohm largish floor standers are rated at 87dB. With my experience I have seen that they peform best with high power amplifiers, although a few people have also suggest that I need high current but may be not high power.
I have a wide ranging taste of music, but I don't listen to metal etc.
I have shortlisted the following :

Purifi based amplifier ( Approx. 190W - This will be an import from Audiophonics.fr)
Audiolab 8300 XP (140W, I couldn't find any reviews , though judging by the success of Audiolab 6000a, it must be good)
Parasound A 23+ (160 W - Need to find a dealer)
NAD C298 ( Purifi based , but it is not available in India, may be wait for it ? )
Roksan K3 Integrated.

All the above are around 2L , which is my budget.
I lean towards the purifi amplifier since it measures well and is the cheapest of them all. However, import may be a hassel.

I would appreciate any other suggestions or opinions on the above.

Dear All,

I have Usher CP 6311 speakers. These 8 Ohm largish floor standers are rated at 87dB. With my experience I have seen that they peform best with high power amplifiers, although a few people have also suggest that I need high current but may be not high power.
I have a wide ranging taste of music, but I don't listen to metal etc.
I have shortlisted the following :

Purifi based amplifier ( Approx. 190W - This will be an import from Audiophonics.fr)
Audiolab 8300 XP (140W, I couldn't find any reviews , though judging by the success of Audiolab 6000a, it must be good)
Parasound A 23+ (160 W - Need to find a dealer)
NAD C298 ( Purifi based , but it is not available in India, may be wait for it ? )
Roksan K3 Integrated.

All the above are around 2L , which is my budget.
I lean towards the purifi amplifier since it measures well and is the cheapest of them all. However, import may be a hassel.

I would appreciate any other suggestions or opinions on the above.

I think both the Parasound A23+ and Roksan K3 and good choices for your speakers. My only suggestion is if you can stretch budget then go for Paraound A21+
A mentor in my early life told me that when you are buying a house or a car, stretch the budget and get what you really want because you will use these for a long time and you want to be happy doing that each waking hour. Since music really matters to me I use this logic with audio equipment too :)
What pre-amp are you looking at if you go in for a pre/power solution?
Best of luck!
I think both the Parasound A23+ and Roksan K3 and good choices for your speakers. My only suggestion is if you can stretch budget then go for Paraound A21+

Yes, with the Roksan K3, I won't need a pre-amp. I was thinking of the Topping Pre90 because of local availablity and neutrality.
You can also look at high current Class A single ended amplifiers from the like of First Watt or there is one person in Calcutta who makes exceptional Class A amps. @magma should be able to guide you to him.
Dear All,

I have Usher CP 6311 speakers. These 8 Ohm largish floor standers are rated at 87dB. With my experience I have seen that they peform best with high power amplifiers, although a few people have also suggest that I need high current but may be not high power.
I have a wide ranging taste of music, but I don't listen to metal etc.
I have shortlisted the following :

Purifi based amplifier ( Approx. 190W - This will be an import from Audiophonics.fr)
Audiolab 8300 XP (140W, I couldn't find any reviews , though judging by the success of Audiolab 6000a, it must be good)
Parasound A 23+ (160 W - Need to find a dealer)
NAD C298 ( Purifi based , but it is not available in India, may be wait for it ? )
Roksan K3 Integrated.

All the above are around 2L , which is my budget.
I lean towards the purifi amplifier since it measures well and is the cheapest of them all. However, import may be a hassel.

I would appreciate any other suggestions or opinions on the above.

You can also explore Indiqaudio class AB and class A amplifiers. They are Bangalore based and offer 15 day trial so that you can try their products at your home with your gears. That ways you will be able to take a more informed decision.

Their dual mono class AB is about 195 w@8 ohms costing about 1L. Dual mono integrated Class A 20w @8 ohms is about 2L.

I currently own their entry level class AB and very happy with it.
If Quad amps are available pls hear them. Pretty good at what they do.
I’m using a Indiqaudio Platinum Saptak, it’s a 200w per channel power amp. You must audition it, might save you a decent chunk
Dear All,

I have Usher CP 6311 speakers. These 8 Ohm largish floor standers are rated at 87dB. With my experience I have seen that they peform best with high power amplifiers, although a few people have also suggest that I need high current but may be not high power.
I have a wide ranging taste of music, but I don't listen to metal etc.
I have shortlisted the following :

Purifi based amplifier ( Approx. 190W - This will be an import from Audiophonics.fr)
Audiolab 8300 XP (140W, I couldn't find any reviews , though judging by the success of Audiolab 6000a, it must be good)
Parasound A 23+ (160 W - Need to find a dealer)
NAD C298 ( Purifi based , but it is not available in India, may be wait for it ? )
Roksan K3 Integrated.

All the above are around 2L , which is my budget.
I lean towards the purifi amplifier since it measures well and is the cheapest of them all. However, import may be a hassel.

I would appreciate any other suggestions or opinions on the above.

You seem to be using the Krell 300i. I am not sure of any of the above will drive your speaker better. If 150W is not enough for a 87db then it does point to something else.

As per Stereophile
this is undoubtedly a powerful amplifier, especially considering that it is a compact, integrated type. Into a nominal 8 ohm load, single-channel driven, it delivered close on 200W continuous (23dBW) from 20Hz to 20kHz. The good 20Hz figure was a surprise in view of the modest power supply. The peak-program output approached 250Wpc—this is some little powerhouse!

Can you describe where your problem is ? from your signature you seem to be running this with a topping t30...i believe 1/2 of your amp budget on a dac might just give you a far more bigger impact than even 4L spent on the amp.

The other option would be to change your speaker, the Krell is IMHO a better component than the usher.,
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You seem to be using the Krell 300i. I am not sure of any of the above will drive your speaker better.
Hi @arj ,

You are right. Apologies for the old signature.
Unfortunately Krell is under repair , perhaps I will post it as-is for a some forum member who can make best use of it.
It was a vintage model but through it I realized, that these speakers need good amount of power. Hence the preference for the purifi model.

I like the speakers , though changing the speakers to some highly efficient ones did cross my mind.
For now, I would like to keep them and look for a high power amplifier.
Hi @arj ,

You are right. Apologies for the old signature.
Unfortunately Krell is under repair , perhaps I will post it as-is for a some forum member who can make best use of it.
It was a vintage model but through it I realized, that these speakers need good amount of power. Hence the preference for the purifi model.

I like the speakers , though changing the speakers to some highly efficient ones did cross my mind.
For now, I would like to keep them and look for a high power amplifier.
Now I get it !
To be honest the Ushers are not really that great a speaker and you can perhaps do far better. Getting a more sensitive speaker gives you better options in amplification as getting those in the 50-100W range is far more easier that what you are trying to do.

Or else try it out with a higher current amp eg Naims and see if they do rock it..i would not be surprised if they do.
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Dear All,

I have Usher CP 6311 speakers. These 8 Ohm largish floor standers are rated at 87dB. With my experience I have seen that they peform best with high power amplifiers, although a few people have also suggest that I need high current but may be not high power.
I have a wide ranging taste of music, but I don't listen to metal etc.
I have shortlisted the following :

Purifi based amplifier ( Approx. 190W - This will be an import from Audiophonics.fr)
Audiolab 8300 XP (140W, I couldn't find any reviews , though judging by the success of Audiolab 6000a, it must be good)
Parasound A 23+ (160 W - Need to find a dealer)
NAD C298 ( Purifi based , but it is not available in India, may be wait for it ? )
Roksan K3 Integrated.

All the above are around 2L , which is my budget.
I lean towards the purifi amplifier since it measures well and is the cheapest of them all. However, import may be a hassel.

I would appreciate any other suggestions or opinions on the above.

Kinky Audio Amps are best investment.
Drives with ease
A mentor in my early life told me that when you are buying a house or a car, stretch the budget and get what you really want because you will use these for a long time and you want to be happy doing that each waking hour. Since music really matters to me I use this logic with audio equipment too :)
Good advice, but the assumption is that the products last 😁
Most companies have now incorporated the Planned Obsolescence strategy in some form or the other!

Since this is a Power Amp, i guess that advice holds good here. IMHO, If it were a TV or a receiver, then one should tread with care regarding the same advice.
You can also look at high current Class A single ended amplifiers from the like of First Watt or there is one person in Calcutta who makes exceptional Class A amps. @magma should be able to guide you to him.
Who in Calcutta are you referring to? Contact details or name would be appreciated.
By Calcutta
The above FM is probably
Refering to Sangram aka "cranky"
Of FNL ( first note labs)

Sangram offers warranties like international brands
His builds are overengineered and highly conservative

Some of my opinions
In some above discussions

A power amp is sufficient
A good dac with a volume stage is sufficient to drive a power amp directly
I rarely use a pre
When a dac with multiple inputs and a good op voltage is sufficient to drive the power amps

The NAD power amps are very much avavible
With proper bill and warranty
Currently Nad is operating in india in a different way

They have a Lenbrook employee who consolidates orders
And imports under Lenbrook and then feeds their dealers

There is no distributer model
A direct dealer model

I am not able to give more details publicaly according to forum rules
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