The breakup was Sammy for 40K and Philips HTS for 20K. I knew that the lowest quote given in this forum was around 38900 for Sammy. But I have bargained for some specific cables instead.
For comparison, I tried out mostly the SD content as I am sure we would be watching mostly Tata Sky at home. So I asked the sales guy to play the regular channels on Tata Sky and also asked him to play DVD movies which he had Terminator 2, Kill Bill.
I did not look at SQ, as I was going in for the Phillips HT and that would be used primarily for DVD movies.
As far as the SD content, Sony and Samsung which were lined up next to each other. Between them I found Samsung to be throwing out more natural colors, and Sony bright colors. I asked the Salesguy to keep the settings constant to the extent possible. But one thing where the Sony was a clear winner was when the Bravia Demo was played, but I guess the demo is meant for Sony

But finally what scored was VFM between these two, as after watching for couple of hours the decision was close and the choice was becoming difficult.