Projector + screen for bedroom. Help/advice/suggestions required.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2012
After writing my post, I realised how freakin long it turned out. Here's a tl;dr version for those who don't want to read it all...

Here's my intended setup.. Epson TW8100 (please confirm if its the 5020ub only) with a motorised 120-150" screen and samsung 51E8000 in my 25' x16' bedroom . Please let me know if my projector and tv choice could be improved upon without stretching the budget too much. And I have no idea which screen I should go for so any suggestions here will be most welcome (budget 25-35k). Thanks :)

Original post......

Hey everyone. My 8+ years old RPTV is on its last legs and way overdue for an upgrade and now I am contemplating the the idea of getting a projector for my room this time. I know most would prefer to have a dedicated room for home theatre but I intend to use it as a TV replacement instead of that odd movie a week routine. Here's a simple sketch of my room (currently under construction)...



Now I've been reading/researching online about projectors for weeks now and realise the pros and cons of this setup. I'm not going totally TV-less either. Given the 24 feet distance between the TV and and my eyes (when sitting on my bed) I'd certainly need the biggest possible tv I can get without needing to rob a bank. Which would be a 64 inch samsung (about 2.3 lacs). And even that would be a bit too small to enjoy HD content from 23 feet away. Instead I could go for a 51 inch samsung plasma (<1 lac) + projector & motorized screen (~2 lac for both) and have the best of both worlds without paying too much more than I would have with a 64 inch plasma.

This way I can use the TV during day or for SD content and news browsing and use the projector during night for HD channels, blu rays, ps3/360 (and hopefully PC too once/if I build my gaming PC) and 3D content.

For TV my current choice is samsung 51E8000 plasma. I understand st50 is a little better but then samsung isn't that far behind in PQ either. It's cheaper and seems to have less IR/Burn In issues compared to 2012 panasonic PDPs. Might get the samsung 51F8500 if that one shows up here before march end (highly unlikely but fingers crossed...)

Projector choice would be epson tw8100 (I'm assuming its 5020ub. Please correct me if I'm wrong). It's the best lcd projector in the price range. Panasonic 8000 comes close and some features I really would have loved (motorised zoom/focus with lens memory, lower lag times), it still doesnt seem worth paying an extra lac over epson. Also considered DLP projectors but nothing caught my fancy. Biggest problem is short throw distance (I plan to keep mine 24 feet away from the screen as ceiling mount would look ugly). Also not sure if rainbow effect would be a problem for me. Still I'm open to suggestions if there's something better available for ~1.5 lac.

Screen, now that's something I'm totally clueless about right now. Before I started looking into projectors seriously, I didn't even realize how costly projection screens can be and how complicated it'd be to choose one for your setup. I can definitely use some help here. From what I've found so far, liberty grandview would be a good VFM, easily available option. But it's supposedly nowhere close to Da-lite and stelwark screen. What's the best motorized screen (with 3+ years warranty) can I get for 25-35000?

I also need to get an AVR, speakers (totally clueless about those. Not kidding :o) and a maybe a gaming PC too. But those can wait. I'll bother you guys about those once I get the projector and screen. Looking forward to all you expert's suggestions and advice :)
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It has been discussed by others on this forum many a times that a projector can not be a replacement to a TV unless you are sure that you will be using only for a few minutes or so.

Indeed a dedicated room is great while using a projector.

However a projector can be fine in a living room too if good adjustments are made in terms of windows, thick curtains, the room not being a L shape, minimum windows, etc. Since the room is under construction you can make excellent changes which can benefit all the more for a projector viewing etc, it all depends how much is the passion and how frequently you see a movie and importantly would you reduce going to a cinema hall by around 50%.

To watch a movie from bed is not a good idea due to comfort and especially if you are a regular watcher of movies or be it other projector related activities. You can always have a sofa cum bed of which can be adjusted near the bed for a more comfort viewing.

There are several fancy ceiling mounts, so you do not have to worry about the ugly factor.


I am contemplating the the idea of getting a projector for my room this time. I know most would prefer to have a dedicated room for home theatre but I intend to use it as a TV replacement instead of that odd movie a week routine. Biggest problem is short throw distance (I plan to keep mine 24 feet away from the screen as ceiling mount would look ugly).
Attached is a possible layout of your room - with 150 inch fixed screen. I would go with Liberty Grandview Dynamique Fabric- It provides an excellent image- which looks great even with ambient light in the room. Not quite in your budget -- you are looking at Rs 111,000 for a 150 inch screen

@Thtpro: unfortunately, the bed location can't be changed. Vastu crap. I don't care but dad does. Also, no fixed screens. Definitely need a TV too. And yes, that's way more than what I'm willing to spend on the screen.

@vinay: which is why I'll have a TV along with the projector. Also, myself and my wife are very much comfortable watching TV from my bed. Also, I haven't totally ruled out a couple of recliners on the side wall (somewhere between TV and bed) too. But that's dependent on how the rest of the room is planned. If that space stays empty in the end, I'll definitely get the recliners.

Can you link me one of those projector mounts? Everything I found was just ugly. A couple of good ones (there was one with lift which completely hides itself when not in use) I found wont be available in India. :/
Motorized screen from liberty- 150 inch 16:9, in matte white will set you back around 30K-- don't know about the warranty. You need to control the light to be able to get a good picture

If your bed has to be on the wall that you show-- move the bed back to the original wall-- as shown in your picture- just move it up-- in your picture (you are making room for the sofa).

The screen can be on the opposite wall-- so that it can be seen while sitting up in the bed. Flip the sofa around -- so that you are looking at the screen- while seated in the sofa

Actually you are right to a extent that good looking mounts are not much available.

I had recently seen some good looking mounts in a local store. However if you will aggressively surf the Internet, there will be the type of mounts you are looking for. On the other hand if you will visit some leading stores who specializes in selling projectors would surely have excellent mounts.

The projector lifts are easily available in Mumbai, and the cost was about Rs.35,000/- around 4 years ago but to install such a lift the false ceiling is a must. These lifts are a class apart and increases the life of projector too because there will be no issue of dust and related.


Can you link me one of those projector mounts? Everything I found was just ugly. A couple of good ones (there was one with lift which completely hides itself when not in use) I found wont be available in India. :/
Anyone knows projector dealers in delhi where I can demo the projector, screen, lifts etc?
May I know what you will be watching on the projector? As said by Vinay, a PJ cannot replace a TV. Consider PJ only if you are going to watch original discs - whether DVD or BD. Downloaded content well show artifacts on large zoomed images such as those from a PJ.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
May I know what you will be watching on the projector? As said by Vinay, a PJ cannot replace a TV. Consider PJ only if you are going to watch original discs - whether DVD or BD. Downloaded content well show artifacts on large zoomed images such as those from a PJ.

My current plan would be tata sky HD (~60%), ps3/360 (~20%), blu ray/3d (~10%) and some downloaded 720p (or higher) stuff (~10%). And if don't totally hate the SD content on it, I might also watch the odd tata sky SD channels. If its totally ugly then there's always a TV hiding behind the screen a click away.

The reason projector won't work for me in a living room is that I don't really spend much time there. Also my interests in TV doesn't match anyone else's in my home. My room will have two windows one of which is really small and not going to affect the projector much (it's on the 6'3" wall). Second one (on 24'9" wall) opens inside the home and won't get direct sunlight. And then there will be curtains on both of them anyways. And in the end, if I really do end up not using the projector, I can always put it in the basement or the living room for others to enjoy.

Now about the artifacts you mention which will be visible on the big screen. I don't really understand why this would be a problem. Right now I occasionally watch downloaded 480p TV rips on my ipad 3. Now even though the screen is a tiny in comparison, it's a hell lot more closer too. I watch it about 18 inches away from my eyes. At that distance, the screen (even for 16:9 content) is about 4+ times bigger to my eyes than my current 54 inch RPTV at about 22 feet away. Here's a pic to explain what I'm trying to say...

Why would the artifacts bother me on the 120" screen from that distance when I can't see on the ipad screen which looks as big as the 120 screen (except its closer to my eyes)? And I'm not even using 720p here. It's all 2-300mb 480p stuff. Now I'm not saying there isn't any problem with the vodeo on ipad. I do see some artifacts when there's big portion of the screen with single color spectrum (sky shots for exp). But nothing that bothers me enough. I'm asking it as a genuine question. Do you think it'll be worse on the screen than its on the ipad?
When I watch some 700mb AVI downloads on my Samsung SGS2, they look fabulous. On the laptop they are quite watchable with no signs of artifacts and distortions. When I progress to my st50 they show the artifacts at ten feet. Move over St50 and bring in the projector. The AVIs are just unwatchable; definitely can't stand them after being exposed bluray quality. You will see for yourselves what I mean.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Same effect is seen when a mobile clip is seen on a laptop screen in full screen view.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
When I watch some 700mb AVI downloads on my Samsung SGS2, they look fabulous. On the laptop they are quite watchable with no signs of artifacts and distortions. When I progress to my st50 they show the artifacts at ten feet. Move over St50 and bring in the projector. The AVIs are just unwatchable; definitely can't stand them after being exposed bluray quality. You will see for yourselves what I mean.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2

I totally agree with you. Even though I don't have a Blu-ray player at the moment, watching a 10GB 1080p movie on the projector makes me despise any SD content.

It's not that you can't watch it, you really wouldn't want to. :)
I am currently updating all my existing SD contents with 720p HD so as to enjoy on my PJ.
Once you taste the blood, its difficult to live on grasses!
720p is the bare minimum IMO to enjoy on a PJ.

Well ofcourse 720 and 1080p content would be a hell lot better than 480p. That much is evident even on the iPads tiny screen. What I was wondering about was why it'd look worse on the bigger screen compared to the ipad. But anyways, it doesn't really matter. While I intend to watch all sorts of content on the PJ, I'm also ready to just use it for HD channels and blu-rays too if SD looks that atrocious. A 64 inch TV won't be all that bigger than a 51 inch tv. PJ + 51" TV still sounds like a better deal to me. :)

Now, on to more important matters. The screen. Projector is all but final. TW8100 sounds like the best PJ I can get. Screens, I have no idea about. Is the liberty grandview screen considered to be decent? Or spending on Dalite would be worth it? It's not much of a question of affordability but the value. Just don't feel like paying 30-40k more than liberty. Not unless the difference is huge. Any thoughts? :)
a demo will be helpful to choose screens...
also finalise your screen gain acording to youir picture palatte preference and room condition.
Ok, so Contacted Mr Chirag for the projector (saw his name and number mentioned quite a few times in other threads). 1.2L + taxes (ie Rs 1,35,000). Doesn't seem like there'll be any discounts on that price. Is this the best price one can get for this projector?

Screens he didn't seem to have much else except no name brands and liberty grandview. Quoted me 28k for 120" motorised version. Sounds a bit more than what I've seen quoted on these forums (<25k iirc) but there should be some possibility of negotiation there unlike the projector where he was pretty much set on the price.

Any place in delhi I can get a demo for the screens? Also, are there tab tensioned screens available here? Just found out about those and seems like its a gurantee any non-fixed screen will get wrinkles/waves in an year (or even sooner) unless its tab tensioned.
The room is coming along nicely. Here's a couple of shots (click for bigger image)...

TV/PJ screen wall...

The white area of the wall (between dressing room door on the left and the balcony door on the right) seen in this pic is about 102" wide. A 120" screen with 2 inch black border will be about 109" wide. But since I won't be keeping the balcony door (on the right side wall) open while I'm using the PJ, I can get away with the extra 7 or so inches required for the whole screen. Might even get away with a 133" screen (120" wide including the borders) . Hmmm :D

The opposite wall (with bed and projector)...
Couldn't wait for the new room to finish (still 3 months away) so pulled the trigger on tw8100 today only. Got a 133" grandview motorised screen too and installed it in my current room. Sitting/lying on my bed at appx 17' away, it looks AWESOME :D

Total damage (so far)...

116k+ 12.5% VAT for the PJ.
37500+ 12.5% VAT for 133" Grandview CNV series motorised.
5500+ 5% tax for the 15 meter hdmi cable (no issues with 3d bluray btw)
2000 for installation

Right now palaced the PJ on two side tables stacked one atop the other. Will be getting a wall mount for the PJ on Monday for about 3500 (iirc).

Also ordered two samsung 3D glasses too. Should be getting them soon.

One down, one to go. The quest for audio (speakers, avr, cables) begins now :o
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Couldn't wait for the new room to finish (still 3 months away) so pulled the trigger on tw8100 today only. Got a 133" grandview motorised screen too and installed it in my current room. Sitting/lying on my bed at appx 17' away, it looks AWESOME :D

Total damage (so far)...

116k+ 12.5% VAT for the PJ.
37500+ 12.5% VAT for 133" Grandview CNV series motorised.
5500+ 5% tax for the 15 meter hdmi cable (no issues with 3d bluray btw)
2000 for installation

Right now palaced the PJ on two side tables stacked one atop the other. Will be getting a wall mount for the PJ on Monday for about 3500 (iirc).

Also ordered two samsung 3D glasses too. Should be getting them soon.

One down, one to go. The quest for audio (speakers, avr, cables) begins now :o

Wonderful and congrats! I can understand the satisfaction after a long time of research.

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