I have just imported BIC V1020 and CB5 from Shop Your World. I will share cost details once i receive them.
Here is the details of BIC V1020:
Last week listed price of BIC V1020 on shopyourworld was Rs.10,000/-
Imports below 10k is duty free. (So i did not go for V1220 or F12, they were above 10k). Shopyourworld prices are inclusive of shipment charges upto 5kgs. For excess 13kgs, I will be charged Rs.3744/-
So Final Cost is
1. BIC V1020 Rs.10000 (Includes 5 Kgs charges)
2. Discount using Promo Rs.1000
3. Charges of extra 13 kgs Rs.3744
Total Rs.12744
IMHO, this is steal. Although its 110V, BIC technical has send some details on how to change it to 230V which i will try and will post my findings.
Unfortunately, due to increase in dollar rate, if you check their website this week, prices are above 10k and it will attract customs duty.
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