PS3 Hangs While Updating Firmware 3.30


Mar 22, 2009
Kolkata, India
Hi Friends ,

Just trying to update the firmware of my one year old 80GB PS3 from version 2.80 to 3.40. I have downloaded the firmware in the pen drive for the process. While doing so after accepting the disclaimer there comes an instruction screen where I am supposed to press the "ok" from my controller. From here the problem starts, my controller is not working at all and everything gets hanged. I was trying to cancel the installation by pressing 'O' key of the controller then it is asking me whether I want to cancell the installation , 'Yes' or 'No' but the focus is constantly on 'No' and I didnt get any response from the left joystick of the controller.

The main problem is that I tried shutting down the system by switching off the main poer supply and switch on again. But everytime oly that scren is coming with the similar hang position. I have tried opening the service menu but didnt work .

Before going to the Sony Service thought to discuss the situation right here because Sony Service in India is not yet very conversant as far as PS3 is concerned.

Please help friends.
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Hi there,
Version 3.40 is out now, so one thing you can try is to update to that.

Also, can you post the screen-shots of the screen where it is stuck. Also, how long did you wait before determining that the PS3 is hung?
Re: PS3 Hangs While Updating Firmware 3.40

Hi there,
Version 3.40 is out now, so one thing you can try is to update to that.

Also, can you post the screen-shots of the screen where it is stuck. Also, how long did you wait before determining that the PS3 is hung?

Hey Sorry Sorry , I put the wrong heading ...... it is version 3.40 , not 3.30 .
I waited till 10m....... I will post the screenshot soon ....

Thanks for your reply mate .....
you said your updating from a pen drive the only other alternative i see you should try updating from the internet.
Hey use the cursor keys on the controller instead of left/right controller when you see the disclaimer. It'll take you down to the page where you can agree to the disclaimer.

I cant try updating from internet right now, because only that disclaimer screen has got stuck inspite of multiple shutdown .


tried but even cursor keys are also not working. In fact no keys are working apart from the round one on the right hand side. The controller didnt have any problem at all before this installation.


tried but same result.

tried but even cursor keys are also not working. In fact no keys are working apart from the round one on the right hand side. The controller didnt have any problem at all before this installation.
Strange, I got the same issue (did multiple restarts too) when I was upgrading but once I used the down cursor key the screen scrolled and I could see the "I agree" button and I could accept the agreement. Another thing is that might be my controller was connected via the USB cable but I'm not sure about that. I really found it stupid for Sony to just allow the cursor keys and all other inputs were almost as good as dead. Luckily I tried using the down cursor key. Just give it an another go with USB cable connected to the controller.
Strange, I got the same issue (did multiple restarts too) when I was upgrading but once I used the down cursor key the screen scrolled and I could see the "I agree" button and I could accept the agreement. Another thing is that might be my controller was connected via the USB cable but I'm not sure about that. I really found it stupid for Sony to just allow the cursor keys and all other inputs were almost as good as dead. Luckily I tried using the down cursor key. Just give it an another go with USB cable connected to the controller.

Thanks KonfuSed.... will try again. Cursor keys are the four keys at left .... right ??
good for you.....still alive! system just gave me the YLOD(yellow light of death!)....dunno how i am gonna get it serviced here in chennai!
YLOD means u get a new console, if the console is still under warranty. If not then, they might charge something for replacing.
Im sure you have a sony service center in Chennai ( Come on, No Sony Service center in Chennai?)

This sure is strange! almost 3 weeks of console experience, I have had to update my console twice ( 3.3 and then to 3.4 ). It was all very smooth. I Think you need to first highlight the "Agreement text box" using the left Analogue or Direction buttons of the left end. Then use the left Analogue pad to "Scroll". Also make sure you scroll to the end for the "Agree" to become active.

Never had to hook up the controller via USB for firmware upgrade!
Apologies if I've missed something entirely, but have you tried loading it on an external HDD and loading it onto your PS3 from the HDD itself ?
I used the down cursor key the screen scrolled and I could see the "I agree" button and I could accept the agreement.

Couldnt have been a appropriate answer than this. What a big fol I am :sad: , indeed on scrolling till the bottom of the screen the 'OK' button got enabled and it was smooth after that. Thanks a lot mate.....

Sorry guys for bothering you for such a silly mistake of mine and thank you very much all for replying me.
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