wasn't there someone militarily hapless and hilarious called Sad Sack?
I never read that one. Was it good?
wasn't there someone militarily hapless and hilarious called Sad Sack?
I never read that one. Was it good?
That is soo weird. That is definitely a kindle version, but surely not available in the US store that I am seeing. I tried the UK store, and that has a few of them but I can't download them due to differencing licensing I guess. No worries...paperback it is!
Does that mean that you can download these E Books from Amazon US if you are based in India, but you can't do it if you are based in the US? Definitely weird.
What is your experience of reading on a Kindle and reading a paperback or a hard bound book?
It seems licensing is by country and needs to match the country in Kindle settings. So the books you are seeing may be licensed in India but not in US (even though you are seeing the US store) and therefore may be downloadable in India but not US. FWIW, Running Blind / The Freedom Trap is not available even in UK, so looks like it is licensed only in India.
Kindle experience - While paperback still has its charm and the convenience of flipping through pages, Kindle provides the ease of carrying, use and mobility that gives it a huge advantage. Biggest ones for me is I can grab a chapter or two when I am at lunch or waiting at a doctor or standing in long lines at a store on my iphone kindle app (and I do pretty often), which then syncs wirelessly to the physical kindle I use at home. And of course much easier to carry on trips than lugging hardcovers around. Not to mention I can have as many books on me as in my account with several in the reading process simultaneously.
As for the actual reading itself, the physical kindle is veryy close to paper and not at all straining. If anything, it is easier to handle when lying down than an actual book. The iphone app is also quite nice once you have setup the page color and font and size to your liking. Bottom line - given a choice, I will always get a kindle version for ease and mobility of reading.
I have not gone into the intricacies of using my iPad as a book reader. I would appreciate information and advise from anyone who is using it as a book reader.
i never read much Mclean..but i was raised up on a steady diet of Louis L'Amour ...especially The Sackett series...there were others too like Zane Grey, JT Edson's Sudden, if i recall correctly...but Louis L'Amour was what fired our boyish fantasies...