Reality is entirely a construct of our nervous system

Just to be clear: I'm all for science. Science and faith should coexist, supplementing and complimenting each other. My only quarrel is with the science that tries to explain observed and empirical phenomena strictly within the boundaries of its (necessarily) finite knowledge, and repudiate anything that it can't satisfactorily explain. It doesn't leave a door open to the possibilities that there might be things beyond itself. I would go as far as posit that a scientist that ignores phenomena or explanations beyond the mechanistic is at best a dilettante.
IMO real scientist…..or rather real scientific temperament always is open to all the possibilities in this universe. Afterall real science is an endeavour to collect observable information, collate it and hypothesize and interpret correctly according to the hypothesis. It has always been a challenge to remove inherent bias of human mind, errors have happened in the past and will happen in future. There is also a limit in the cognitive function of mind. Hence role of technology and assisted processing of information has become a necessity and now an integral acquisition of human knowledge. But yes, we have tools yet to be able to collect and process more information. But it’s also true that many of information in the universe and nature which are beyond the capabilities of human senses, have been captured, analysed and understood using our advance tools.

And there is a fair confidence in the capabilities of our current technology to say with evidential data (repeated) that some things are almost beyond any error of human judgement.
The thumbnail looks like a spoof of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam … :)
Or ET…
These are such fascinating animals.
If you haven’t seen it already please watch “My Octopus Teacher “ (on Netflix)
Here is the trailer:

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