Reliable amplifier repair in Delhi NCR


Active Member
Apr 7, 2017
Hi folks,
I have a pioneer 5 channel amp (gm d9605). Sometime back it malfunctioned with a little smoke. So currently only the sub channel is working and not the other 4 channels. Visited a couple of repair shops and the pioneer authorized repair shop but they were unable to source the part (presumably the mosfet?) for repair.
So any leads on a good repair person who can properly identify and repair in Delhi NCR will be highly appreciated.
Also if anyone could help me out with a little diy to identify what part is blown up? So I can search online for replacement? Don't know how hard than can be.
There is one repair center in Citranjan Park Phone No. 9910075100, 011-40548299.
There is another person in Tilak Nagar: Devinder Singh Ph. No. 981899532

Hi folks,
I have a pioneer 5 channel amp (gm d9605). Sometime back it malfunctioned with a little smoke. So currently only the sub channel is working and not the other 4 channels. Visited a couple of repair shops and the pioneer authorized repair shop but they were unable to source the part (presumably the mosfet?) for repair.
So any leads on a good repair person who can properly identify and repair in Delhi NCR will be highly appreciated.
Also if anyone could help me out with a little diy to identify what part is blown up? So I can search online for replacement? Don't know how hard than can be.

Pioneer GM-D9605 service Manual, see if this helps.

Just a very late update. All the above contacts repair only avrs and home amps and not an amp for car. So still searching for a repair person for car amp.
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