Sonus Faber? The cheapest Sonus Faber is the Toy bookshelf, cost of which is around 45k used. Hard to find...but what an amazing speaker. All the speakers mentioned here will run away in shame when compared with the Toys. But price......
Yes they are pretty good and they are hand crafted speakers..looking beautiful & sounds good for music too. If the budget is not constraint one can go for sonus faber .. These are available with more of bangalore dealers as per i have auditioned...
my personal experience with Castle Knight 2 was not good. may be not pair with the right amplifier.. its too bright to my ears. I auditioning in a shoroom in kolkata. Castle Knight 2 with marantz 6006 amp. somehow marantz amp not suited the speaker.. one of my friend use Castle Knight floorstand speaker with exposure 2010 s1 amp and his experience was so good.