Replacing rxv 671 with a stereo amplifier.

I went to buy ca 550a and ended up buying ca 651a.

Congrats sabarishm.:thumbsup:

I can make out that this amp is better than my yamaha 671. I would not say it is far far better or its amazingly better than the avr, but it is better and I am happy I spend 42k for this amplifier

In terms of stereo performance CA-651A will be significantly better than your Yamaha RX-V671. Enjoy the warm, mellow & laid back sound of CA. I have heard their Azur-650R paired with Axion Audio M80 floorstanders, sounds simply magestic!!! So just enjoy buddy, let the SQ flow through your viens.

And yes, pictures please!!!:licklips:
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Congratulations on the purchase. Yes ca amps are on the brighter side of neutral and may appear to exaggarate high frequencies if paired with similar speakers.
And yes burn in matters. Not only that, depending on the amp warm up also matters.

I had heard Onkyo stereo receivers. Frankly speaking, they did not impress me at all.
By burn in I meant that as the amplifier is used, there will be subtle changes in the sound from a new unused one till it is used for sometime. It wont keep changing forever, and there may not be landmark changes.. like an bright amplifier probably wont start sounding smooth and mellow, but smaller changes can occur. At least, that is what I have felt. It will depend mostly on the electronics used, like teflon or polystyrene caps may need more time that run of the mill electrolytes.. which may need none at all.

You are welcome to call it placebo though :) Let us allow the OP to bask in his purchase and all of us enjoy our music.
By burn in I meant that as the amplifier is used, there will be subtle changes in the sound from a new unused one till it is used for sometime. It wont keep changing forever, and there may not be landmark changes.. like an bright amplifier probably wont start sounding smooth and mellow, but smaller changes can occur. At least, that is what I have felt.You are welcome to call it placebo though :)

@rishiguru, I found about running-in of the amp in the ca support faq, Cambridge Audio Customer Care Centre

I have three amps: Norge 1000 Concerto Gold, Yamaha DSP-A2070 & Yamaha DSP-Z9.

During the first few days, I never heard or felt any difference in the tonality of the sound emanating after amplification.

But wait... then it clicked in my mind my amps are all pre-owned!!! and yes the previous owners were using them a lot, so.....

they were already properly runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnned innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ..... :D

Let us allow the OP to bask in his purchase and all of us enjoy our music.

Enjoy Dude. :)
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Here is my entry to the hifi world. My humble setup. I guess I will only tidy this up only when I move to my own house !!

Image 1
Image 2

The CA 651A looks good with those ELACs. I am sure they sound good too.:)

Congrats for your new purchase!!!

I also find on many posts you are dearly missing your Yamaha RX-V671 & its few nifty features. Would have kept it too.

Personally I am a keeper, I will never let go of my DSP-A2070 coz I got a better DSP-Z9.
Thanks rishiguru!. I understand what you are saying, but I could not stand the questions from my wife on spending more money on an amplifier when I do not use the avr at all. I have a small rented house and piling up stuff means really less space for the humans in! I am already feeling the floor standers are taking up usable space in my bedroom !!

you've entered a whirlpool though you'll enjoy riding it, it will consume you if you don't watch out! I entered this music/HT space with a Denon 1609 and then I'm currently running my 6th amp now but the flame within is no where close to be tamed, it's raging within and I want to go for a pre-power combo sometime in the near future...

But that being said, music soothes & relaxes you...good music from a great system elevates the soul as I've discovered...!

Hope you enjoy your system thoroughly!

PS: Just a doubt, I read that you've got a kid that shares your bedroom, you must be a brave man to leave those floor standers within reach of the little one?! I've currently got all my set-up abt 5 ft from the floor (sprks inclusive!) to save them from my own little monster!
Thanks goose for the kind words!. And yeah about the kid and the speakers, there's a plus point with the model I have. She had tried with all her might to reach the speaker dome using pen, pencil, sketch and what ever she can to showcase her drawing skills, but the metal cover of elac speakers kept her at bay. She is disappointed and I am proud that I bought these floor standers with the ugly looking metal grill covers in the front :yahoo:
Thanks rishiguru!. I understand what you are saying, but I could not stand the questions from my wife on spending more money on an amplifier when I do not use the avr at all.

I understand you sabarishm. Being recently married, I know quite well how hard it is to justify the fairer sex, why we upgrade.

I wonder if their is a women in existence who really understands sound quality?

But, life is all about balance, and our better half maintains a fine balance in our ludicrous money spending capability on audio gears for attaining never ending audio nirvana versus the reality.

GOD always think good for us. That's why they are married too:)
I have a woman in my family who completely agrees with me on purchasing audio equipments and she even accompanies me for the auditions. She never say no, unlike my wife !! Here is she enjoying the new purchases !! Video link
Hello all,

I was thinking of buying a CDP (ca550c or ca650c) and confused if I should go for a DAC instead. I use my laptop as source mostly as the amp have an inbuilt dac (651a, 16 bit 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz).

Will a dac improve the quality of the sound enough that I recognize it (I use flac mostly) or should I go for a cdp (I can buy and/or burn audio cds from flacs) ?

Are there any cdp below 30k with a USB input ?

Other thought was network players which streams music via DLNA, Internet radio etc. Which would be the best addition for me ?

Dont bother with a cdp or a dac, the 651 with usb input is already giving you every bit of money youve invested, you wont get a better dac unless you spend another 35k which in my opinion is pointless.

Just enjoy the 651a with usb input and flacs!
My CD6004 has a USB provision. Wanted to know if USB or Ipod connected to USB port gives similar quality as CDs.
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