Request Request Suggestions for a Decently Priced Stereo System / Turntable

I have already seen that posting. It is a package deal which also includes a tuner and low end cd player which I don't want. I anyway have to pay postage for the speakers. Its better for me to go for a new one :-)
well hildebrand, make him your offer. he might agree to it. als offer hand to hand cash deal. everyone likes convenience. also, i saw a garrard with built in amp and changer. the guy was asking 12k for that. here in indore. he might have the piece still. and he may be willing to negotiate. though i wasnt impressed by amp, it will definitely sing with a nice cart and amp.
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well hildebrand, make him your offer. he might agree to it. als offer hand to hand cash deal. everyone likes convenience. also, i saw a garrard with built in amp and changer. the guy was asking 12k for that. here in indore. he might have the piece still. and he may be willing to negotiate. though i wasnt impressed by amp, it will definitely sing with a nice cart and amp.

I already committed for the new amp and speaker as well as to Kuruvila Sir for the Garrard.
It would be an issue bringing the TT to here for me if I were to consider it. All the weight quota during travel will go in it :D
Kuruvila Sir will be bringing the TT to Bangalore so it is already convenient for me. And the new amp and speaker will be delivered home too. So I'll go ahead with what I have committed to. Maine ek baar commitment kar di to kar di. uske baad main apne aap ki bhi nahin sunta :lol:
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Hi All,
I am considering buying myself a decent stereo system (2 speakers + amplifier) and maybe a dvd player too.
My budget is around 25-30k but I maybe able to stretch it a bit.

I am also considering buying Sonodyne system. Have heard that they give 26% discount around republic day. Any idea if they have the discount in bangalore as well and where I can audition their system here?

Thanks for the reply. How much did the TT cost you finally?
What is the cost of these speakers? Is the 26% discount nationwide or only in Kolkata?

For 30K one can go for Sonodyne Amp + bookshelf or can go for Norge Amp with Norge or some suitable speakers.

Regarding the discount, I think this 26% discount is/ will be only available in Calcutta. However, you can buy it directly for Calcutta by paying additional 6% (most probably) shipping cost after discount. It is not exactly an online purchase, but you deposit money into their bank account, and they accept your order and ship it to you.
So that's it, here's some news that will interest all those who are into 78s. In view of my Lenco acquisition and my lack of interest in 78s, I have decided to let go of my Garrard RC210 changer. Hence, keep watching the "For Sale" section this weekend. I will be including an extra ceramic cart with flip stylus and of course, the all important ceramic phonostage in the deal. This is not a sales advert but more of a heads up. I can't seem to find the time to sit with these projects, so much engagement at work. This was more of a fun project and hence took it up.
For 30K one can go for Sonodyne Amp + bookshelf or can go for Norge Amp with Norge or some suitable speakers.

Regarding the discount, I think this 26% discount is/ will be only available in Calcutta. However, you can buy it directly for Calcutta by paying additional 6% (most probably) shipping cost after discount. It is not exactly an online purchase, but you deposit money into their bank account, and they accept your order and ship it to you.

Yes, it appears to be in Kolkata only.
I decided to go for Norge now. I am buying it in the same manner as suggested by you for Sonodyne.
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