Rethm coming out with bookshelf speakers - Aarka

Any listening opinion, @Sivasathya ?
It’s a great speaker. It has fabulous mids. Very clear vocals , slightly rolled of high- it’s just the harshness which is cut, excellent instrument separation all are similar to all rethm models
Except it has excellent directional lower mid bass. Usually all rethm speakers older models -maarga, bhaava have a diffuse bass. But this model has a very palpable directional lower mid bass -akin to having rel sub’s that good.the best part it can be adjusted.
It is fabulous looking speaker. It does not sound like a monitor. I really liked it better than bhaava and the older maarga. I auditioned in 20*30 room - the speakers were able to comfortably fill the room, without even a hint of being pushed hard.
(Not party loud).
I auditioned for more than 2.30 hours in late evening. Jacob George was a great host. I had to admire his passion and dedication.I even tried Aarkas with external tube amp. He was very patient and had a great time with him.
Thanks so very much Siva.
Yes, Jacob is a passionate designer and a great and patient host.
Did you listen to the Saadhanas?
Thanks so very much Siva.
Yes, Jacob is a passionate designer and a great and patient host.
Did you listen to the Saadhanas?
Your welcome . In the last audition-I didn’t get time to audition saadhana-the newly designed one. Jacob said except bhaava all the other speakers have been redesigned. Mainly the bass drivers.
Found specs of Rethm speakers in some detail here
The price here is much higher than the Rs 1.5-2 lacs we were expecting in this thread.

It’s a great speaker. It has fabulous mids. Very clear vocals , slightly rolled of high- it’s just the harshness which is cut, excellent instrument separation all are similar to all rethm models
Except it has excellent directional lower mid bass. Usually all rethm speakers older models -maarga, bhaava have a diffuse bass. But this model has a very palpable directional lower mid bass -akin to having rel sub’s that good.the best part it can be adjusted.
It is fabulous looking speaker. It does not sound like a monitor. I really liked it better than bhaava and the older maarga. I auditioned in 20*30 room - the speakers were able to comfortably fill the room, without even a hint of being pushed hard.
(Not party loud).
I auditioned for more than 2.30 hours in late evening. Jacob George was a great host. I had to admire his passion and dedication.I even tried Aarkas with external tube amp. He was very patient and had a great time with him.
Thanks for the detailed report. How far were/can these speakers be placed from the front and side walls? What’s the minimum size of the room they’d sound good in?
I can't seem to find anything on the Aarka's on the Rethm website.
Perhaps the website has not been updated.

Pardon my ignorance, but are both the amplifiers built into the speaker cabinets, or one of them is separate outside?

Also, is it right to see this as a full range speaker with inbuilt dual subwoofers? So am guessing the crossover would be set much lower (any idea where?) than what it is in usual two way bookshelves. And that’s to make a large part of the frequency range sound coherent, right?
Thanks for the detailed report. How far were/can these speakers be placed from the front and side walls? What’s the minimum size of the room they’d sound good in?
Hi Sachin
Your welcome,
These speakers were placed 10 feet from the back and almost 5-6 feet from the sides
But it was actually flanked by the bigger speakers- not an ideal position
I guess giving good room behind the speakers back would give good sound stage definitely. But I would be able to answer better after 10 days. (By then my Aarkas would have arrived) I am planning to keep it in my bedroom 10*14 room.

Pardon my ignorance, but are both the amplifiers built into the speaker cabinets, or one of them is separate outside?

Also, is it right to see this as a full range speaker with inbuilt dual subwoofers? So am guessing the crossover would be set much lower (any idea where?) than what it is in usual two way bookshelves. And that’s to make a large part of the frequency range sound coherent, right?
Hi Sachin
Both the amplifier is built in to the speaker cabinet.
The amp for main driver is a hybrid amp with tube input stage .

The subwoofer amplifier is a class AB amp.

There is no crossover for this speaker.(to my understanding)
... I would be able to answer better after 10 days. (By then my Aarkas would have arrived) I am planning to keep it in my bedroom 10*14 room.
I guess these would be the later version.
Just curious, are both versions available for sale?
But I would be able to answer better after 10 days. (By then my Aarkas would have arrived) I am planning to keep it in my bedroom 10*14 room.
Thanks Sivasathya for the detailed reply. Shall await your update here to understand how they sound in a small room.
Any update Siva?
Was Jacob able to ship? What with the covid restrictions, etc
Hi, Jacob has changed the bass drivers in Rethm aarka, after i auditioned it. He has changed the circuit board also.
He said there is a lot of improvement in the bass drivers after he has changed it.
He has changed the tubes also.

In short it's almost a new (improved )speaker. He said it will be ready in another 2 weeks to be shipped.
Thanks @Sivasathya. What role does the tube play? And what are the two knobs on the right side of the back panel for? Which amp have your paired it with? What kind of amp is suggested?
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