This is interesting, from the above it appears Omishra's points are spot on regrding motor vibrations (which could be so small that you dont feel it physically)Arj,
It is not electrical. It is mechanical. Various tests confirm that it is mechanical. Also it is not rumble. Rumble frequencies are much lower than 50Hz and I know how rumble sounds.
To answer Joshua's questions, the hum is not picked up until the stylus touches the record. Also the hum is picked up even when the belt is disconnected and the platter is not rotating.
My lenco also has a 220 V AC motor, it is mounted on the top plate (Suspended rather) via springs in order to isolate the platter from it similiar here ?
if it is due to the bearing you will definitely hear it via the Inverted Screwdriver test.
OTOH, are you sure the cart works fine otherwise ?
some nice thorens plinths here..only 3 TD135s so it must be a rare breed
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