Well-Known Member
Talking about room treatment and the bare basics.
If you dont have the possibility of setting up a dedicated room with the foam treatment etc... for whatever reasons.
Will it make any difference in the acoustics if you go with Wall paper vs regular paints on the walls ?
Sidvee has already answered the paints/ papers as treatment question you ask.
I **think** what you are wondering about is unobtrusive/ invisible/ WAF independent room treatment and that the answer you seek lies in digital room correction.
I understand that DRC needs the problem of early reflections addressed before it can start working its magic. So does that brings us back to square 1 ?
Not really because the broadband panels would have to be unreasonably thick at lower frequencies [a quarter of the wavelength you are trying to kill] and DRC becomes very important there.
That is a long slippery and steep slope that I might have to climb some day .... and atm have not enough understanding/ shekels to spare
