Samsung 50C550 initial impressions.

^^what Sanjay said....i have two 8x3 feet windows on wither sides of the main door - all these to the right hand side of the TV and both windows are curtained with some thick but light cream colored curtains and reflection is not the least bit bothering here.

I mentioned dark conditions as i was implying that plasmas perform their best under controlled lighting,and hence,what you see under the flooding lights at the shoppe/mall may not be a valid comparison with respect to an LCD/LED,thats all. If u have lots of light with doors and windows all open during daytime, its a no-brainer that u need an LCD,otherwise a plasma will fit the scene perfectly.Hence, see at the time of audition if u can get a bit more darker environment by turning off a few overhead lights etc. I too was unimpressed by plasmas last year when i was hunting for an LCD,where the shopkeepers kept them as dull as possible to push LCD/LED tech.But this time, i went with enough homework done, so knew what to expect and how to test a set properly.

Like i mentioned at the start of thread, i hit the deal without making an audition of the set,but am extremely satisfied so far and hope it stays that way.Like someone mentioned at another forum, this set(as well as PK550 IMHO) are right at the cusp of diminishing returns.Spend a lot more, get a little improvement.
I will go into the menu and take some screenshot of values once i getback home, but when i dontknow:sad:


As promised here is the screenshot, let me know if you need anything else
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Are you guys facing any heating issue back of the panel after running for few hours ? I am running in energy save low mode but still I feel there is lot of heat in the back..... Hope it is normal ???
Are you guys facing any heating issue back of the panel after running for few hours ? I am running in energy save low mode but still I feel there is lot of heat in the back..... Hope it is normal ???

i just checked, it was running whole day on neocricket, back of the panel is not even warm, so no heating at all and i am NOT using energy save option

on backside top of the panel near vent holes and screws is the "hottest" compared to the other areas i can keep my finger there for longtime so that is also not really "hot"

it was operating at a near torch mode with celllight at 18, contrast 90 and brightness 60 in standard mode

Also it is not wall mounted so plenty of breathing space for unit
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No heating issues here also, i checked both my plasmas, even after running for a couple of hours it ain't that hot.
so guys, is 50c550 stable now or are there still problems? I am thinking of buying but heldback due to negative feedback here in this forum, specially from Sanjay.
No heating issues here also, i checked both my plasmas, even after running for a couple of hours it ain't that hot.

I have placed my hand on the back top where the vent holes are there and I feel it is quiet hot. Only on the right side vent when I am facing the TV . It is not wall mounted and plenty of space from wall . :sad:
that location is the hottest spot IMO,still i wouldnt worry too much if there is no other issues

when you say hot, are you able to keep your hand there(like me) or is it too hot to touch
that location is the hottest spot IMO,still i wouldnt worry too much if there is no other issues

when you say hot, are you able to keep your hand there(like me) or is it too hot to touch

Not sure what is your heat resistance power but it is hot :p . I can keep the hand there for few mins but when I smell that heat it scares me a bit :sad: .
I can keep the hand there for few min.

if you can keep your hand for few minute then imho that "heat" should be normal

still having doubt that this is a problem, then try running the set continuosly in an attempt to accelerate any probable latent defects and get a replacement inside warranty
So guys I might be getting the 50c550 in a few days. I would be placing it on trolley. Behind the tv I have a big window which is covered with curtains. I was just wondering if it would be dangerous to keep the plasma too close to the curtains. Just hoping that this would not be a fire hazard. The reason I am asking this is because I have space limitation and I want to keep the plasma as far back as possible without touching the curtains at the back side of the tv.

Also wondering if this kinda heat problem exists with LCD's as well. Say for that matter the Samsung 46c530 LCD ?
So guys I might be getting the 50c550 in a few days. I would be placing it on trolley. Behind the tv I have a big window which is covered with curtains. I was just wondering if it would be dangerous to keep the plasma too close to the curtains. Just hoping that this would not be a fire hazard. The reason I am asking this is because I have space limitation and I want to keep the plasma as far back as possible without touching the curtains at the back side of the tv.

Also wondering if this kinda heat problem exists with LCD's as well. Say for that matter the Samsung 46c530 LCD ?

I have the same setup as yours (10-15cm from a french window and its curtains) and i dont foresee any such problem during normal operation. the set dissipates 200-300W so naturally it will be warm and especially near the top air vents

LCD/LED will be dissipating lesser power hence less heat in comparison
lesser heat in comparision to plasma and even CRT.
Likewise the temperature of Mussoorie and any other hill station is hot in comparision to the temperatures in Alaska. Even The Great Khali is small in comparision to the Statue of Liberty.
LCDs do not have any heat problem, even if you keep it on all day.

Plasmas have never had a heat problem.Look around cinema halls like PVR have been using plasmas as professional displays most company's & offices have been using plasmas for donkeys years running round the clock without any issues.

In terms of Commercial and round the clock usage plasmas are being used widely and never heard or seen any heating issues coming up.

I feel every technology has its pros and cons, but our dealers and salesmen in India are giving bad names to plasmas to push LCD's more.

In fact if i look back at 2007 when i bought my first plasma and now, i feel plasma is selling even more now that what it did 3 years back. As masses are buying the same due to competitive pricing and technology.

Also if someone is buying a TV for watching movies and good HD stuff, i don't think he would look at an LCD, as he would understand when you go to a theater you don't watch movies with the lights on.

50C550 is a good set, if you have more budget go for the PS50C6500 and you won't be disappointed.
I have never stated that plasmas have a heat problem. Just answering the query of a particular member who wants to know about whether LCDs have a heat problem.
By the way kittu is apprehensive about the heat given off by his plasma.
I have never stated that plasmas have a heat problem. Just answering the query of a particular member who wants to know about whether LCDs have a heat problem.
By the way kittu is apprehensive about the heat given off by his plasma.

True either it is my apprehension or my other Sony LCD was made with intercooler inside (never was hot) . Will have to observe it for few days after few different runs (movies,SD and Hidef) ...I have asked sammy support guys but seriously the service guys are DUMB . They have no idea :mad: on anything .. I was asking one of the guys about calibration settings / initial settings for new TV for burn-in .. They had no clue yes I spoke to 3 of them,one of them was senior service supervisor. Not only Samsung most of the other electronic companies have bad service technicians who know nothing about the product. It is hightime they shld start focusing on after sales service.. Forget launching a new product everyday first support the old products that are sold to customers.... :mad:
As i stated earlier for lcd the power consumption is less and hence less heat.assuming you had a 42" sony lcd the power consumption may be around 100-120w

if you need the lowest power consumption/lowest heat lcd backlit led is the solution,but can you get a 50" screen for under 70k, tha is the reason i bought this

I agree with you on the "knowledge" or lack of it of samsung service people.

They are not trained on anything more than writing the serial number(that is the only thing they have to do for my set installation) and replacing the set in case of any problem i guess

So to get any actual technical help you might have to contact the korean R&D engineer and not the useless so called customer service guys here

. if you need some info on settings and such info go to AVS forum , lot of info on owner's thread
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to C550 owners:

Is the banding issue mentioned earlier in the thread a distraction from the overall viewing experience ? Whats the picture quality like on this TV ?
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