Samsung TV dead in under 2 years-Beware


New Member
Mar 24, 2014
Goregaon mumbai
/Users/raghupathyt/Desktop/Samsung load.jpgResponse from Samsung for its High end 3D Samsung Smart TV-46" going dead with in 2 years of usage, was extremely dismal and in poor taste to say the least. It reflects of complete disdain for the customer who fell prey to colorful claims of Samsung high quality.
(Usage of poor quality) panel failing within 2 years is clients fault? Why should he be asked to pay the hefty amount (45% of TV cost). A high end Samsung TV lasts less than 2 years.
Beware, make your right choice.
Click like, to convey apathy.

This is one of the main reason i am not switching to LCD/LED/Plasma TV. I belive in long lasting products and cherish them. I take pride in telling that i am using so and so product since past 30 yrs or 40 yrs. Agreed its too much as per todays standards of quality, but a decent 15 yrs is not like asking for too much. I may probably never ever buy the recent technology unless there is a major technology barrier for not using my CRT HDTV.
My Sony Bravia died after 2.5 years of use.. Sony, being boasted as the pinnacle of quality, asked me to spend half the cost of TV to get it fixed, and I politely refused. Multiple emails sent to their customer care was conveniently ignored as well.
@Hari_Iyer - It depends on what each person wants. I cant imagine surviving with a Dianora TV and a Sanyo cassette player, which I used 20-30 years back. :) Also, technology changes very rapidly now a days, and it will be tough to ignore it. By the way, are you using a mobile phone or still surviving with your LAN line?
This is one of the main reason i am not switching to LCD/LED/Plasma TV. I belive in long lasting products and cherish them. I take pride in telling that i am using so and so product since past 30 yrs or 40 yrs. Agreed its too much as per todays standards of quality, but a decent 15 yrs is not like asking for too much. I may probably never ever buy the recent technology unless there is a major technology barrier for not using my CRT HDTV.

I also purchased a 29" CRT two years back and decided to forsake LCD/LED for a few more years. The money saved (about 45K) I spent on Audio instead.

I do miss the larger 42" screen though and I wonder when the technology is going to be more reliable - I am hoping to switch to OLED or recent technology in the next two years.

@Hari_Iyer - It depends on what each person wants. I cant imagine surviving with a Dianora TV and a Sanyo cassette player, which I used 20-30 years back. :) Also, technology changes very rapidly now a days, and it will be tough to ignore it. By the way, are you using a mobile phone or still surviving with your LAN line?

this seems to be chronic issue -
Samsung: Shitty Products or Just Me?

IMO the product should atleast last 5 years + ... I think that it should last this much since its your hard earned money . Best case would be to wait for the next version of technology to come in and go for the previous version which has (hopefully) stabilized.

Eg I usually wait for the next iphone to come in and go for the previous version .. saves me some $$$ ..
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For me, its always Sony who cheated me,. Sony 32" LCD Bravia dead in 2 years. Sony xperia very poor reception after 1 year, PS2 dead in 2 years, and a digicam who passed away after 3 years :( Maybe I was a loyal customer of Sony, and hence...
I also purchased a 29" CRT two years back and decided to forsake LCD/LED for a few more years. The money saved (about 45K) I spent on Audio instead.

I do miss the larger 42" screen though and I wonder when the technology is going to be more reliable - I am hoping to switch to OLED or recent technology in the next two years.


@ G0bble. Good to know this. If its a 100Hz 29" CRT HDTV then its its better than an LED TV in terms of contrast (Infinite), image depth, image resolution. 50HZ CRT TV does have flicker issues and cannot be seen from near field where the 100Hz CRT TV scores.
I have an LCD from Samsung bought in 2008 that's 22" and still going strong 1080p which finally seen a STB only the start of this year lol
@ G0bble. Good to know this. If its a 100Hz 29" CRT HDTV then its its better than an LED TV in terms of contrast (Infinite), image depth, image resolution. 50HZ CRT TV does have flicker issues and cannot be seen from near field where the 100Hz CRT TV scores.

Yes it is 100hz 29" with a 27" real diagonal. It is better than 50hz but flicker is not absent totally. Mostly absent but sometimes I do realize that its there only not at eye-straining levels.

Contrast of CRT is definitely better but I am not sure about depth and resolution. All I can say is that it is great for SD content.

All I can say is that it is great for SD content.


Most of may TV viewing ends up with either watchin news or boring soap operas with family. Others in my family anyway are not interested in any HD stuff. Hence currently i am more than happy with SD content. May be when my daughter grows up she will demand HD. Till then will stay put.
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