Save my soul - Utterly confused - Speaker choice, room dimensions and what not!


New Member
Aug 26, 2013

I am to newbie to this forum nor am an audiophile! But I am a music die-hard lover who listens to a wide range of music including Carnatic, Hindustani, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Arabic, Country, Pop, Jazz, Blues, Soft rock but avoid hard rock/heavy metal types.

I am not at all low range (bass) addict but the details in a piece I listen to - especially the mid range - are of paramount importance to me. I also don't prefer loud volume for my music.

I am looking for a decent audio set up (no plans of buying a TV) in my apartment's living room which is combined with dining and kitchen. The dimension of the entire room is 22 X 18 - please find the room plan attached.

Budget - around 1 lac.

All these said, I did audition a few speakers in the last one week. Following the advise from experts, I was only looking for a pair of bookshelves but I must admit that I quite liked the "details" dished out by floor standers.

The ones I auditioned:

Jamo c601
Jamo c605
-- with Marantz PM7004

Monitor audio BX-2
MS Aviano 2
MS Mezzo 6
-- with CA 651a

Honestly, I liked Jamo c605 (FS) and MS Aviano 2 (BS) at first. But when more instrument-oriented tracks were played, I could really appreciate the performance of Mezzo 6. Monitor audio sounded a bit on the brighter side to me.

I was told that the combination of Mezzo 6 and CA 351a would suffice my requirements (may not need a powerful amp because of my music preferences, maybe) but I am still unsure if I would really utilize the power/capability of Mezzo 6.

To make matters complex, I was told that my room dimension may not support optimum performance for any speaker as the waves from the left speakers could stray into the open dining area!

I really want to buy a quality combination of speaker/amp within my budget. Following questions disturb me a bit though the dealers I approached were very helpful and accommodating in clarifying my queries.

1. In the forums, I read that Mezzo 6 + Marantz is like a match made in the heaven. Is it that big a deal? Unfortunately, the dealer I visited doesn't sell Marantz.

2. I kept asking them to reduce the volume of the music played with CA351a itself. So does it mean that Mezzo + CA 351a combination is sufficient for me because I would never utilize the power of a high-end amp such as CA651a/851a?

3. The dealer mentioned that I will be given an offer because Mezzo series will be discontinued - because MS is going to be marked under CA label. Not a great deal - just Rs 4000 less than what was offered to another customer 3 years back (thanks to this forum). Am I really getting a deal? Should I go for something which is going to be discontinued?

4. What are the other options I have for this budget? I am very impulsive when it comes to taking decisions but this time around I would like to be a bit more pragmatic - hopefully :(

PS: I understand that I haven't given a lot of details about the performance details of these speakers. This is purely because my lack of knowledge in this subject. But I sincerely hope you understand the type of music I listen to and hence would be able to help me get out of this whirlpool :-)


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Well, auditioning KEF + Marantz is pretty difficult in Bangalore as far as I know. You can get Q300 auditioned at ProFx with Denon Stereo Amp and Marantz at Cinebels with Jamo and Klipsch speakers. Both are located in Phoenix mall, but I don't think you can get them auditioned together though. Other option is to buy either speakers or amp and take them around to buy the other one. I know people do that and it works pretty well to choose the right gear suitable for your taste.

One great combo I heard recently was Jamo D590 with Marantz 7004. It was sounding superb. I heard the combo in Cinebels, Phoenix mall. But this will be well over your budget.

Thanks John. Let me try these options. I have also heard that Focal or Quad speakers (not sure of the model name) might work for my taste.

Rs 1 Lac is a very decent budget to setup an audio system. A basic audio system will need the following components:
1. Speakers (floor standers or bookshelf)
2. Amplifiers - there are two types - integrated amplifiers and pre-power. Basically, an integrated amplifier is one where the pre-amplifier and power-amplifier are housed in the same box. For your purposes, I think that an integrated will suffice
3. A source. This could be a computer, an ipod, a CD player, a tuner (radio), a cassette player, a turn table etc.
4. Cables to connect your speaker to amplifier (speaker cables) and amplifier to source (interconnects)
5. If you are buying bookshelves, you will also need to factor in a good speaker stand.

If you want to hear good quality sound, then you should not be using mp3 files (these are low resolution files, and will not sound great on a good audio audio setup). You should stick to CD quality files or higher.

There are lots of speakers and amplifier combinations that you can get for your money. Ultimately, you should buy what sounds good to you. B'lore is a good place to be in since there are quite a few hi-fi shops around. So make a CD of your favourite music and go visit as many hi-fi shops as possible - and buy what sounds good to you. Please do not buy without hearing!

Also, if you are open to buying used, there are lots of good equipments that come up for sale on the forum often. You will need a little more patience to wait for the right equipment to come along. Buying used will allow you to get something one level higher than what you could afford if you bought new.

Do post in more listening experiences....

I have also heard that Focal or Quad speakers (not sure of the model name) might work for my taste.

I have heard the Quads (11L2 and 12L2), and both are fantastic speakers - definitely worth checking out. When I had heard then (about a year ago), the 11L2 was retailing around Rs 35K (of course, the rupee was much stronger then!). You can also check out entry level speakers from Tannoys, PSB, Wharfedale amongst others.

Thanks John. Let me try these options. I have also heard that Focal or Quad speakers (not sure of the model name) might work for my taste.

Yes, I have heard Quad 23L a while back and they are pretty good. The prices were low an year back. In the range of 80K or so a pair. Now they have increased. I heard them with NAD 325 IIRC.

You can also Visit Croma Brigade Road if you want to demo Sonodyne speakers. Check India's audio video home theatre and hi-fi shopping mart for price and specification. You can also check Sonodyne website Welcome To Sonodyne for more details.
For south region Sonodyne office is in Bangalore. They were in Lalbagh Road and now moved to Indira nagar behind California pizza. I spoke to them and they said they are planning to set up good demo room in a month. I am planning to visit them this week for a quote.
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you are right,In the range of 80K or so a pair. Now they have increased. I heard them with NAD 325 IIRC.
@karthiksk, let me know when you planning to visit their demo room. i am also considering sonodyne since now they are perfect for my budget.( exhausted all the money which i had kept for HT in getting a new home).
I already have an old setup( basic one) which i bought 5 years back( Onkyo TX304 and Pure acoustics book shelf and a Onkyo woofer). I hope i can use Sonodyne speakers for onkyo tx304.
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