Schiit's New Record Player

Is this a mechanical specification?

Please read this page.

The important thing is the resonance frequency of the combination of the cartridge and tonearm MUST fall within a range of about 8 to 12 Hertz. The resonance frequency depends on:
1/ the compliance of the cartridge
2/ the effective mass of the tonearm (note the term effective).
Arj is a connoisseur of high class audiophile electronics and has been trying and using unusual things and he always keen about the Source. :)
Am more of MidFi.. and so many others here on true High End !. The Das MM by Schick at around 350Eur was a really good buy. he himself call is a Beer and Steak cartridge unlike the Wine and Cheese which are high end and it does not disappoint with that expectation.
I did. Some of that stuff is above my head.
When they use the term springiness to define compliance, is that cantilever flex they are referring to?

Yes, the cantilever of a cartridge is a finely tuned "spring" with specific "springiness". A specific weight must act down upon this "spring" so that the stylus can press down on the groove of the record optimally without gouging the groove and damaging it (too much down force), or without jumping around the groove (insufficient down force). PS: insufficient tracking weight also damages the groove.
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