Sellers from India and their snob value


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
Is it just me, or does there seem to be a pattern of high-handed behavior from some sellers? Instead of responding with general courtesy, their replies often come across as cold and dismissive. They make it abundantly clear that they do not wish to engage further, rarely closing the discussion politely almost suggesting they dont need our patronage..

this is In contrast, my general interactions with larger sellers abroad have been much more positive. Even when I've made it clear that I'm not a potential customer at the moment, they go out of their way to address any query I have.

For example, I was most recently in touch with Franck Tchang regarding a query about my second purchase of live lines, particularly concerning oxidation. Despite knowing that I wasn't currently a customer, he responded immediately and addressed the query in the most courteous manner. This level of professionalism has left a lasting impression on me and solidified my loyalty to his brand and sellers like him.

I also want to acknowledge Viren from Lyrita, Amba from Cadence, and George from Rethm for consistently maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. my recent interaction with Tareeq too has been pretty good. Pulz is slow to respond, but the moment you mark an attn: Ram, you get the wheels turning :)
Darius Kotwal of was very courteous and professional right through out my Purchase of Tannoy XT8F . Conversation on the phone , Demo , everything went well , No hurrying up or making statements which make you feel like , we have given you enough demo . He also offered to set up a different set of amps and speakers for me at that time . In case I wanted to compare , But it was way beyond my budget - So I refused . During the money transfer , I first transferred Rs 100 and checked with him and then transferred the remaining amount . His guys came home with the speakers , unpacked all the stuff and set it up for me . Great service . This was in the year 2016 and after that I met him in the What HiFI exhibition and He was equally courteous and professional in explaining McIntosh amps , before I told him that I was his customer and reminded him of the purchase . He did not remember me , but he asked me to call him saying that he never deleted his customers numbers and my number was there in his mobile after around 7 yrs or so . I may go for Rotel power amp again , from him after checking for some power related issues in my home solely because of his service .

On the other side - I was looking for hi end amps before settling for Marantz PM11S2 . One such happened to be Accuphase in the What HIFI exhibition . Asked him to switch on the Loudness Compensator button and Play the tracks . He responded by saying that this is an Audiophile product . Then made some excuses , that Others were listening and he will do it after some time . Waited for some time for the crowd to go and requested again , but I guess he was like - this guy is not my customer

Other than that HIFIMART has been good . Marantz guys also have always been good to me in terms of interaction during my purchases . Only during Marantz after sales service , it was slightly different . They are not very happy if you tell them that you would like to listen to the repaired product before taking it with you .

Special mention of Mr Laxman from Norge . He is a friendly guy and is more than willing to let you demo all the stuff he has . Had a great experience with him while purchasing Norge Concerto Gold 1000
I have had a great experience with Mr Ambavalan from Cadence. Because of the experience I got a pair of electrostatic speakers and the Cadence VA1 amp in 2012. In 2017 one of my electrostat unit went kaput. I drove down with the electrostat to the Shirke factory in Mundwa. He took the electrostats for testing and in around 30 mins came back and said it need to be replaced. Those were the days before gpay and I told him I can pay him only after I reach home. He gave me a pair of electrostat units without even blinking an eye and told me that I can pay the amount at my convenience. A thorough gentleman. He also loaned me few CDs to listen for some time and a pair of costly siltech cable to try them. When I told him that I didn't find any value of the cables over the cables that I made myself, he never questioned my decision and sent one guy to collect the CDs and cable later at a time convenient for me.
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