Showcase your audio/video setup here!......

TEAC sells their high end cd players under the Esoteric name. I did not know they had budget cd players.
Well Marbin Colah(I.I.T) is selling them in mumbai @ 25K. I guess that would put them in the budget league and would compete with some of the Nad,Marantz and the likes.

Is it Dinyaar ? Wow if only I'd knew you a bit earlier;) I'dve picked it up myself !! Turntables too :eek: thats too bad !

Yes TASCAM is very very good but I never knew that they made CDP's for home use (as far I know its a specialised brand of TEAC for studio equipments) !

Offcourse Esoteric is well known ! I have never heard them though :( !

Well Prem i have not heard the TEAC.
Actually my opinion on cdps should be discounted as i always end up unhappy with whatever cdp i own.
I thought the nad C542 to be a decent cdp, the Marantz 6002 for some reason i didnt like, but i do like the 7001 KI player and would rate it higher than my cyrus cdp.
Soundsgreat the cdp is the TEAC cdp, Tascam i referred to for their tapedecks.
Teac makes cdp's in three different segments,

Teac-> consumer cdp's. Any comments on their so called reference player here?

Tascam->Professional grade

Esoteric->High end audio (designed and manufactured in Japan) Edit: Electronics in Japan and rest in UK.
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Hi Dinyaar

I think the KI series in Marantz always sounds good. But my all time Marantz favorite is the CD63, probably because of the fact that it was my first cd player.

Thats what I wondered Dinyaar ! and just off the topic whats your take on Denon PMA-1055R,There's one for sale so just thought to know comments !

Prem your not the only one buddy ;) !! hell a lot of people like the 63 and markII signature edition in particular !

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My amp collection & LD player

Here is my deck, DVD player & tuner

Good pictures soon...............
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Great going buddy !! Nice pics you've put up !

Please don't mind but Am little not happy with the borders and the overall effects ( this is personal view,Nothing to do with the quality of work you've done), I think it'd be much better without these and if you can just take a close-up of them and may be just adjust the lighting and stuff and put it !!

Please please don't mind as said what I sincerely thought would make your equipments look good !!

Hi Sreekanth, borders removed. Now it looks better. Sorry for the poor picture quality, i shall upload sharp, good closeups of all components soon.


Great going buddy !! Nice pics you've put up !

Please don't mind but Am little not happy with the borders and the overall effects ( this is personal view,Nothing to do with the quality of work you've done), I think it'd be much better without these and if you can just take a close-up of them and may be just adjust the lighting and stuff and put it !!

Please please don't mind as said what I sincerely thought would make your equipments look good !!


Now its much better !! The reason why I told that was the borders were taking the limelight from the equipment !! anyway thanks for not mistaking me ;) !!

Common Anil why should you be sorry for anything ?? no reason !! Looking forward to seeing the close-up pics !!

Here are some new pictures of my components.


My DIY effort

Yamaha CA 610 amp

Pioneer SA 9100 amp
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Kenwood KA 6150 amp

Onkyo LD/CD player


Onkyo casette deck

Pioeer DV525 DVD player
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Perfect ! I mean this as good as it gets !! anyway it was a pleasent time at your place yesterday ! Thanks for the lunch and the tea,coffee...

I was very much happy with the sound of your towers after the tweeking ! it showed the real colour of it (which is very good :) ). I was really impressed with the Pioneer Amp,Gem of an Amp :cool: !! I wish it only handled the lows as good as it did with mids and highs !! it would've been the ultimate of all !! but sad we cant get all we want isn't it Anil ?

I wish we I would've spent some more time listening to your Yammys !! and tried My towers with the pioneer !! Anyways theres always another time and another day !!

All in all A time very well spent,Real pleasure man !!

Hi Anil,
Some lovely pics of ur gear. I love the amps.
How does the Onkyo tapedeck perform? Am curious to know how it compares to others in the same arena.(namely Sony,denon etc). Sadly no decent ones available now. The yamahas that i saw a while ago are average at best.
Yes Sreekanth, i wish we had more time for audition, half a day was not you said, always another time and another day!!

Regards, Anil


Perfect ! I mean this as good as it gets !! anyway it was a pleasent time at your place yesterday ! Thanks for the lunch and the tea,coffee...

I was very much happy with the sound of your towers after the tweeking ! it showed the real colour of it (which is very good :) ). I was really impressed with the Pioneer Amp,Gem of an Amp :cool: !! I wish it only handled the lows as good as it did with mids and highs !! it would've been the ultimate of all !! but sad we cant get all we want isn't it Anil ?

I wish we I would've spent some more time listening to your Yammys !! and tried My towers with the pioneer !! Anyways theres always another time and another day !!

All in all A time very well spent,Real pleasure man !!

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Hi dinyaar,Onkyo single casette tapedecks are good value for money, i mainly bought it for recording in 1998. I no more use it as most of my collections are on cd's. Prior to buying this i checked on yamaha, sony & denon, i was not satisfied with recording quality. Manual Ac bias adjustment is an advantage for recording, this deck has's pretty decent, i still like it.

Regards, Anil

Hi Anil,
Some lovely pics of ur gear. I love the amps.
How does the Onkyo tapedeck perform? Am curious to know how it compares to others in the same arena.(namely Sony,denon etc). Sadly no decent ones available now. The yamahas that i saw a while ago are average at best.
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Anil, love your av gadgets! great photography skills, that captured good details too :)

Is that you in pic?
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