Great going buddy !! Nice pics you've put up !
Please don't mind but Am little not happy with the borders and the overall effects ( this is personal view,Nothing to do with the quality of work you've done), I think it'd be much better without these and if you can just take a close-up of them and may be just adjust the lighting and stuff and put it !!
Please please don't mind as said what I sincerely thought would make your equipments look good !!
Perfect ! I mean this as good as it gets !! anyway it was a pleasent time at your place yesterday ! Thanks for the lunch and the tea,coffee...
I was very much happy with the sound of your towers after the tweeking ! it showed the real colour of it (which is very good). I was really impressed with the Pioneer Amp,Gem of an Amp
!! I wish it only handled the lows as good as it did with mids and highs !! it would've been the ultimate of all !! but sad we cant get all we want isn't it Anil ?
I wish we I would've spent some more time listening to your Yammys !! and tried My towers with the pioneer !! Anyways theres always another time and another day !!
All in all A time very well spent,Real pleasure man !!
Hi Anil,
Some lovely pics of ur gear. I love the amps.
How does the Onkyo tapedeck perform? Am curious to know how it compares to others in the same arena.(namely Sony,denon etc). Sadly no decent ones available now. The yamahas that i saw a while ago are average at best.