So imagine what someone or a group or a party could do armed with a range of data:
1. Demographic - your age, sex, social group, religion, wealth and economic, geographic location, marital status, family and social networks etc
2. Your education, profession, job, income, savings
3. Your social, political and religious beliefs mined from your online posts, forwards, news feeds, clicked articles, comments, biases and prejudices, likes and dislikes, travel and holidays, flights, trains, toll paid, location data
4. Your spending behaviour (vehicle ownership, fuel, food, markets, orders, restaurants,clothes, fashion accessories, phones, entertainment, investments, loans, home ownership, loans and credit ratings, insurance, jewellery (and audio- visual equipment) purchased etc
5. Your health data, insurance claims, data from fitness trackers, smartwatches, phones, hospital records
6. Eavesdropping and surveillance - computer, tablets, phone, smart watches, smart glasses, any network devices- Siri, ok google, Alexa and home security cameras, WiFi routers, public security cameras
7. Our photographs, selfies, locations, voice recordings, music collections, e-books, screenshots, keyboard taps
The often heard or repeated reassurance is that the data is anonymised, but if we bother read the small print of several pages before clicking on the “I agree” button nothing is clear or guaranteed in the elaborate obfuscation
So anyone who controls and has access to all this data has incredible and unprecedented power over anyone who is “connected”
They can build a scarily accurate profile of each of us. (Using algorithms that are pretty efficient)
And target us with ads to sell goods, recommend reads, entertainment, gossip, news and misinformation to deepen and encourage our prejudices, influence voting behaviour and much more.
Nah! It’s all just imagination…
Nothing to worry.
I think I will watch TV or listen to some nice music