Some interesting user reviews on Emerald Physics CS2.3


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
Dear All,

I was just talking to the Emerald Physics owner Mr Walter (Underwood HiFi) regarding the new CS 2.3 and CS 2.3 MK II. He shared with me some of the customer reviews on CS 2.3. I thought I will share it with you. Pretty interesting reviews though.



Owner comments on the Emerald Physics Loudspeakers

1) Walter, I just wanted to drop you a note. I received and set up my CS2.3s yesterday. Based on my conversations with you and Clayton, I was expecting them to sound noticeably better than my CS2s - which, would be quite a feat since, as you know, the CS2s were my favorite speakers I have owned in 30+ years of pursuing the quest for the illusion of live music. Within the first THIRTY SECONDS of listening I realized that I was wrong. Even without any break in, they are MUCH better. Jaw dropping, really. And my wife had the same reaction. She has a great ear, but shes not obsessed with the quest. She was looking forward to the upgrade mainly due to the appearance of the CS2.3s. But after a few minutes she said that even if they didnt look any different, the upgrade was definitely worth it. That was icing on the cake to me.

Some months ago I was considering purchasing CS1s and asked Clayton to compare the sound of the CS1 vs CS2. He described the sound of the CS1 as majestic, which intrigued me as a description. Ive used a lot of superlative adjectives to describe my CS2s, but majestic never seemed to apply to them. As soon as the 2.3s started playing, I understood what Clayton meant by that word. As realistic as the CS2s sounded, the 2.3s are in another class. The best way I can describe it is to say that the sound is bigger and more saturated, but not in an exaggerated or bloated sense. In a revealing and realistic sense, the way the richness of color jumps out under good lighting. Even the space in between instruments and voices is more of a void. They are simply mesmerizing to listen to. Walter, I am already ecstatic with my choice to upgrade. I cant even imagine how they will improve as they break in but I sure am anxious to see! Ill keep you posted. Thank you. Jay B

2) Walter, I had hooked up the CS2.3 (with the standard Behringer) and they sound incredibly good. Smooth on the treble/mid range and superb on the bass. They really bring classic Jazz to life!! If the 2.3s improve the way the previous CS2 did after about a month of playing then they would be an absolute category killer. Congratulations

3) the CS3's are out of this world, I have been super pleased with the results in my set up. AM

4) Walter, I have owned and heard many high quality speakers in the last 30 years. I have owned
Isobariks, DSP6000's, Gallo Reference 3's, AV5140's active, couple of active AT's, Monitor Audio and Magnepan to name a few and i have had detailed experience with Keltik, Revel, Quad, Kef and Harbeth plus played with Wilson, Revel, B & W and JM Labs. I have always ended up being left wanting more from one speaker, a combination of attributes from several. Maybe i have found a speaker I can actually live with in the CS2.3, yes I think it is that no object although I could never justify 100k on a pair of speakers.
Taking a direct comparison to the Meridian DSP 6000's, a very highly regarded speaker at around 20K. I loved the depth, weight and clean dynamics on that speaker. Image depth and focus was good and the acoustic space fairly wide, deep and stable. Compared to other speakers I found it lacking in certain areas so improvements were possible, but overall very competent. It shares a couple of key design technologies, DSP and active, both I have experienced to be sonically superior.
With the CS2.3 what I have heard over ALL other speakers I have tried is that in the sonic abilities have been taken to a new level, regardless of the cost of a comparison. When I first heard them I just said WOW....As did my daughter and her husband. The acoustic space is huge. The depth, height and width well beyond the room boundaries. The dynamic range incredible, the definition between quiet and loud notes was easily portrayed, an air of quiet and space around each instrument and performer. Bass is low, deep, effortless, powerful and clean. Highs are crisp, focused, stable, smooth, exceptionally detailed without grain, grit, spit or fatigue.
I have yet to find any fault sonically, not because it may not be there but because I have no sonic comparison of anything better. The speaker is like having the band in my home, on stage and full of fun and energy. As realistic as I have ever heard.
The size and design principals dictate the space and cosmetics but the finish now is very pleasant and certainly has a higher WAF than the CS2. Market acceptance is where I hope people will think hard. It is not easy to audition these fantastic and unknown beauties. Take the risk and hunt them down, they really are that good. If you want the best sonic high end audio in the world listen to this speaker, maybe a user group,
So thanks Walter for finding a home for this exception speaker, my mouth is watering waiting for the new processor and treble/mid to become available, because if this speaker can sound better I have to have it. thanks Paul

5) kudos to you and clayton!! no hype at all with the CS2.3s. finally
got everything wired up. and i LOVE the behringer! don't understand
what the shortcomings are. have everything dialed up so well, the
peachtree is on practically its lowest setting and it still splays me
against the wall with the best soundstage i've ever encountered in a
home environment!! all the best, bruce

6) Walter, I had hooked up the CS2.3 (with the standard Behringer) and they sound incredibly good. Smooth on the treble/mid range and superb on the bass. They really bring classic Jazz to life!!

If the 2.3s improve the way the previous CS2 did after about a month of playing then they would be an absolute category killer. Congratulations to Emerald Physics.

7) the CS3's are out of this world, I have been super pleased with the results in my set up. AM

8) I have been listening carefully to the CS2.3 and going thru my 1500+ cd/sacd collection. This speaker is awesome. The presence, the musicality, the imaging, and the lack of digital 'edges' on the sound are all incredible.
This speaker is way better than the CS2. Congratulations to EP and to you.

9) Walter, i am already seriously over my budget on this and will have to phase anything new in over the next year. The CS2.3's are wonderful, probably the best speakers i have ever heard. They do so much fantastically well and at this point have heard no vices. The biggest problem you will have is market acceptance especially as they have a low WAF but significantly better than the CS2 whose WAF was poor. If KEF or B&W were building these things they would sell like hot cakes. They may evolve into a cult.

10) I hope the house and Emerald physics deals are going well. I just took my first listen to the CS2.3s and all I have to say is wow. I thought the 2s were a great buy but the 2.3s are fantastic. The bass is tighter and able to render complex passages with no muddiness, the midrange in the vocal octaves where outstanding, the soundstage is larger with more definition. You are right these are not just better they are a tremendous amount better. Thanks for your recommendation to make to jump, it was well worth it. Clayton was able to give me about 40 hours of break in before shipping them to me so I benefited form his kindness during my first listening which lasted 4 hours after I got them set up and boosted the gain on the Behringer. Bruce

11) Son of a Beeeeaaaach!!!!! Stone cold out of the box (Everything) this
system BLOWS away anything I have ever heard!!
I can't believe it!!!!!!! Happy ass camper, Bob

12) The Bel Canto sounds glorious on the CS-2's....I was able to borrow a few pairs of Kimber Balanced cables to get running...It all sounds excellent even brand new! The Threshold and Quads are S-O-L-D ! Now to pay off some of the bizillion credit cards i used!! ;-)

Playing with position and dcx to taste, but they set up very easily and sound excellent with minimal fuss. You are correct about the sound of these surpassing the Quads, and in just about every regard! No BS!! -Ken

13) Further to my initial impressions of the Emerald CS2 as "QUAD ESLs on steroids." The Emerald CS2s are transparent. As I walk about the listening room it is difficult to locate them as part of the soundstage more like they define a very large window on the performers.

The articulation of the LF drivers combined with the acoustic output easily reproduces the subtlety and strength of double basses, pipe organs and, not to be that modest, my recordings of a concert Steinway 9' grand.

14) Im at 250 hours now. The soundstage stretches from wall to wall with every well-recorded song I play. The midrange is oh so perfect. Not sure how to describe it, but all the musicality is in this range. Each note is rich and powerful. The highs and lows of the speakers have wowed me, but the midrange has left me gasping . . . its left me laughing like a school girl at how good the sound is . . . and at times its just left me wondering if things could possibly get any better.
The lows have become even tighter and more powerful. Listening to Moby Dick by Led Zeppelin is just amazing. The drum solo is like walking through a bomb field in terms of dynamics. The bass sounds so natural and well out of the box . . . its amazing.

15) Ive been trying to describe my CS-2s to friends and other audiophools, and usually end up at a loss for words. Now I can just guide them to JPs review.
My only gripe with the review is his reference to at their price and the like. Last week I was in El Paso, TX, on business and had the opportunity to listen to the top-of-the-line speakers from B&W and TAD. I spent about three hours with them, and when I got home and gave a listen to the CS-2s with the same music, volume, etc, I was very, very happy with my purchase. To my ears, the CS-2s are cleaner, more dynamic, and just as resolving as either of the well regarded, high priced speakers. I believe the TADs were + $50K and the B&Ws were +/- $24K. By the way, I preferred the TADs over the B&Ws.

16) Wally, So I spent a couple of hours at my local dealer's today,
just for fun. Rainy day in Connecticut. He's a good guy, and I've spent some serious change there
the last 10 yrs or so. He knows, that I now 'know'. If you know what I mean.

He just became a Magico dealer. I listened to these, fed by a ~$40k Krell kit.
( Diana Krall CD that I also happen to have at home ): $25k msrp for speakers.

I drove home, about a 3 minute drive, and fired up the same music on
the CS2s. You already know the verdict. Love these speakers.

17) I've had my CS2s for a couple of months, and have been running
them 24/7 -- at low levels overnight of course.
Just want to say ... I've spent a lot of money ( a lot ) on audio gear over the last 10+
years, but not for the benefit I've enjoyed with the CS2s, not even close.
18) ) I really enjoy the new CS-2 system. I turned the system on this evening. I couldn't believe what I was hearing in the sound stage. It was almost magical.... The sound is substantially better than my Kef 207's in almost every aspect. I find myself enjoying more of my discs and listening longer. I'm really looking forward to the change over the next 300 hours of break in. This system is amazing. To think I contacted you initially for a new player. I'm glad you introduced me to the EP and W4S combo. I'm looking forward to improving my system with more of your recommendations.
19) It's probably nothing new to you. Totally amazing. Sounded better than my old gear ($15,000.00 speakers / $6,000.00 amp) instantly. After a few hours its already settling in & singing with stock power cords and not plugged into my dedicated power so much improvement is still to come.

Any one who wants / asks you to have a listen you have them call me or whatever arrangements. I'd be glad to show them the giant killers.
I was not expecting too much as the system I heard at Bill's was a little better setup and positioned etc, and broken in also, but hey.
No kidding these are great.

20) WOW!!!
I feel like my "former" system, with its Talon Ravens, may have stretched me into the outer reaches of the Milky Way and I just got teleported to Andromeda (read: another altogether other galaxy). SCOTTY! WE NEED MORE DI-LITHIUM CRYSTALS!!!

I am struck by the openness and clarity of the sound. It's like the entire wall is a speaker. The Ravens, in comparison, feel like the sound was coming from tiny points.

I heard stuff I never heard before. And to think they are only going to get better.
Man, alive, they sound superb.

21) I have been an audio lover for 30 years, and in that time I have enjoyed some pretty excellent gear, but this is the first time I have ever felt compelled to sit down and write a testimonial. As you know, I am referring to the Emerald Physics CS2s. Since 1980 I have owned exclusively planar speakers, including Beveridge 2SW-2, Magnepan 1.6, and Magnepan 3.6. Ive listened to many high end conventional speakers in peoples homes and audio showrooms, but I kept coming back to the openness and transparency of the panels. But even as much as I loved the sound of my most recent system, I felt there was still a dimension missing, and I couldnt quite put my finger on it. The audiophiles curse.

I have now been listening to the CS2s for two weeks. I am driving my wife, who is also an audio lover, a little crazy at times because I cant pull myself away from them. Just one more songand then just one more songetc., into the wee hours. (Dont get me wrong she loves them almost as much as I do!) These speakers are REMARKABLE. I have never heard such a NATURAL, THREE DIMENSIONAL presentation of recorded music. No matter how many words I could add to the description, that is what I keep coming back to. Yes they offer exquisitely fine detail with no hardness or edge. Yes they deliver 20hz bass with no boominess or puffiness. Yes the midrange is full and vast. And yes, they can play surprisingly loud without losing any sense of dynamics or control and, interestingly, without causing fatigue. But really, it comes down to just sounding more like real music than anything else I have heard. And in that I find pure joy.

So Walter, thank you for bringing this new realm of enjoyment into my life.

22) Walter, the more I listen to these speakers, the more I'm impressed. If I could sum it up in a sentence or two I would say; they have the best qualities of Magnepan's and Klipsch with a good subwoofer to boot. They are dynamic like Klipsch but pure and refined like a Magnepan with a ribbon tweeter. I can't believe how dynamic these things are. You can listen to them really loud without fatigue.

23) I am thoroughly enjoying the CS-2.3 speakers. They have around 30 hours on them and they get better all the time. This leaves me wondering how good they can be. I am thrilled with the bass. Also, the soundstage is addictive. I toed the speakers in a bit more and the stage stretches the width of my room. Absolutely remarkable!

24) wally, managed to find some cables and get the CS-2.3s up and running yesterday. even out of the box they sound really amazing and i'm sure they will get even better over the next week or so. thanx so much for all your help. mike

25) I bought a pair of CS-2 speakers the day after I heard them at RMAF 2007 because I was so blown away with how they made speakers costing many times their price sound like boom boxes in comparison. I have been very happy with them for the past two years. During the time I owned them I upgraded the Behringer with the Cullen mods. After the mods the speakers further improved in terms of clarity and dynamics (particularly in the midrange). I always felt like the speakers excelled at dynamics and had fast tuneful bass. I could have happily lived with them long term, but I wondered how much better the CS-2.3 speakers could improve on the virtues of the CS-2 speakers.

I decided to trade in my CS-2 speakers and get the CS-2.3 speakers. I have given them more than 150 hours of break-in and I think the character of the sound has settled in. I am confident that they will continue to improve for at least another 300 hours, but the differences will be too subtle to notice with daily listening sessions. I feel I have waited long enough to comment on the sound at this point.

So how do they sound? In a word, spectacular! They continue to excel in the areas that the CS-2 speakers shine, but improve in some other important areas. Like the CS-2 speakers, they have the open baffle unconstrained sound and dynamics in spades. They also excel in producing music that sounds very close to live music. The midrange coherency improves because of the 3 way design. The Alphas are cut over at 100 Hz and are now used specifically for bass duty and do not need to perform duty above 800 Hz like they did on the CS-2 design. The bass response seems to go lower and have better separation, but is still tight and tuneful. On top of the better sonic performance, the speakers look furniture grade and less industrial.

So in summary, the speakers look better and perform better than the CS-2 speakers which I consider to be an excellent performer for the money. I am anxious to hear them after another 200 hours of break in to hear how the bass response sounds after they open up further.

Just a word of caution, reserve judgment until you have at least 100 hours on them because they go through some awkward break in stages where they sound great and then you say WTF and then they sound great again.

26) Emerald Physics CS2.3 a Gift for the Audio God
Mon, 08/17/2009 - 18:39 Michael Nelson
Have you ever slipped on a jacket that you haven't worn in a while and reached in your pocket and there was some money. It didn't matter if it was a 100 bucks or a few bucks you felt like you just got a gift. Well that is what the CS2.3 is once u listen to these speakers you feel like the audio God has just slipped something in your pocket. I have been an owner of Emerald Physics speakers for years, and have not heard anything better in its price range, or double for that matter. I worked for Dolby Labs, and I have listened to a lot of speakers. What Emerald has done is magical. I know that they were suppose to be an improvement, but these speakers are not just an improvement they are in another league. I know that no speaker is perfect but, this speaker comes so close to perfection that the big box companies need to go back to the drawing board. I'm surprised they don't offer Clayton a ton of money just to go away.
I had just set up the speakers and called Emerald Physics to ask a few questions (try that with Wilson.) I had not listened to the CS2.3 because I just sold my Mark Levinson CD Transport, and didn't have a replacement Transport to listen to. But like a kid on Xmas I had to hear them so I plugged my kids Apple TV up, got my iPhone out and pushed play. I couldn't believe my ears. These speakers just transported me to Boston to see Chris Botti perform live. They made a mediocre source sound fantastic. The sound is so good that I am not in a hurry to get a new CD transport. I just got word that Clayton is developing his own Computer Audio product, so that is my next purchase. If his speakers can make a $200 Apple TV sound wonderful I'm scared to see what High Rez will sound like. The music just floats in front of you, u can not only imagine the sound stage but for the first time I can place the location of the instruments on that stage. And this speaker doesn't just go deep, it has slam the type of bass that u feel in your core, with out feeling boomy and muddy, mind you I was getting this excited listening to an Apple TV. I know that there are tons of speakers out there, and I was going to tell you if your are looking for a speaker in this price range you should blah blah. Forget all that if you are in any price range you should buy the CS2.3.
If u are in Vegas give me a shout so u can have a demo.
My Gear
Modwright preamp
Halcro amp for low
First Watt for hi
Musical Fidelity DAC
Apple TV

27) Walter had told me you are considering the Emerald Physics 2.3 speakers. I am a long time Emerald Physics customer. I started with CS-2 speakers after hearing them at the RMAF 2007 show. I was blown away how they sounded so realistic that they embarrassed most speakers costing up to $30k. At the next RMAF show I did not hear a single speaker that made me think of replacing my CS-2 speakers.

As much as I loved the CS-2 speakers I wanted to hear what a 3-way Emerald Physics design would sound like. I figured that crossing the woofer over at 100 Hz and adding a mid-range driver would improve upon an already excellent speaker. I also liked the fact that they look more furniture grade than the industrial looking CS-2 speakers. It was a leap of faith to upgrade since I was completely satisfied with my CS-2 speakers.

After putting more than 250 hours on the CS 2.3 speakers I am so glad I upgraded. The mid-range is even better than the CS-2 (and that is the CS-2's best attribute). The bass is much more present and authoritative in the CS 2.3 speakers. I attribute this improvement to the fact the woofers cross over at 100 Hz and are not used for mid-range duty from 100 Hz to 1 KHz. To be honest the bass was one area I thought the CS-2 speaker could be improved and the CS 2.3 addresses that slight shortcoming. The mid-range is so dynamic and realistic I feel like I am listening to a live event. The speakers are balanced from top to bottom.

The one word I would use to describe the CS 2.3 speakers is "realistic." They are transparent enough that you can easily hear differences in recordings and upstream components. If the rest of your system is up to the task I believe these are the best transducers you can use to reproduce music. Just be patient and give them time to fully break in because they continue to improve for up to 500 hours to hear their full potential.

28) Walter, I think you had the best sounding room at the show running away! I've never heard Livingston Taylor's; Isn't She Lovely sound as emotionally involving! I did see a beautiful set of $300k speakers on the Atrium Level. They sounded "bigger" but nowhere near as clean, clear and detailed. And from the rumblings I was over-hearing outside your room I believe there's many that agree with my perceptions. You were the "must-hear" room on the 10th floor and the standard for comparison for 2-channel ROI value in the bar.

I'm sure we'll be talking soon,


29) Walter, Speakers (CS2.3) arrived in great shape. I was able to set them up Sunday and have been working my way through my CD and Record collections. Best speakers I have heard period. I didn't really think the bass would make such a difference but it sure does. I will fine tune placement and work through frequency issues this weekend. My listening room is on the minimum side of your recommendations 12/14/10.5 or 1760 sq-ft. Any tips?

When the CS-2.7 upgrade is available please let me know.
Best Regards, Carl W

30) Right now the sound of the CS3 w/Underwood subs is simply stunning in my room. Imaging goes to another level when you add the second sub. Soundstage is expansive. I cant imagine the CS2.3s being better than these with the two subs. Have you tried this setup yet? I remembered you saying you were going to basically do the same set up. If you are compteplating I can vouch for this setup (CS3s and two Underwood SE Subs). Its awesome in a small room!!! Full range with no compromises!!!


31) Walter, It took us much longer than expected to report back to you regarding our recent purchase of the Emerald Physics CS 2.7. It's a long story, but we'll keep it short. After multiple experiments with location, settings, cables, amps, tweaks ect. and 500 hours of break-in time, we are pleased to tell you that we love these speakers. We feel we did a good job with associated equipment to play into their strengths. With good recordings they not only sound live, but can feel live as well. The resolution is outstanding. Imaging, transparency, soundstage, depth- all that "audiophile stuff" is all there. They sound beautiful and for hours on end without fatigue. We are 30 year veterans of daily listening, so hopefully it means something when we say Thank-You for buying the company and keeping this product available. We look forward to and appreciate them daily.
But the bottom line here is that the CS 2.7s are outstanding. Every room is different for every speaker and it did take awhile to find the right spot, but it was worth the effort. Same with amps and cables. And if possible, the in/out gain settings on the Behringer need to be set at 0 db. Anyway, want you to know we're happy with the purchase. If you ever get to Virginia come by and have a listen.

Thanks again,
Tom & Julie P

32) Walter, this system (CS2.3 speakers w/Spatial front end and Wyred amps) is effortless. it just doesn't strain. No matter what i throw at it, it just delivers the music, better than i ever heard it before. As i said in an earlier email, this system is so good it's ordinary. Meaning, the music just sounds like music; real music. and we all know actual reality has a certain normalness to it, a banality almost, it's just there..... well, that's how this system is. It's just totally honest and simple, and unconstrained.....

i am totally spoiled now.....i have been to live shows where it didnt' sound as good as in my house....what'cha' gon' do? Clay

33) CS1.3 with Spatial computer system, Steve was kind enough to allow me to crash at his house in Pound Ridge. So I had the opportunity to hear his new HiFi, now pretty much broken in.

This is cutting edge digital technology, quite unlike my 1950s approach to HiFi. But I am overjoyed to report that it sounds FANTASTIC.

For the audio types among you, the soundstage is massive in width, large in height and appropriate in depth. The tonal balance is remarkably neutral while not at all cold. In fact the sound is remarkably warm for digital (Im an analog fan) and it is not the slightest bit fatiguing. There was plenty of detail but no harshness. The timing of the musical delivery was excellent - something whose absence can only be appreciated when you first hear it done right. Most importantly: the presentation is VERY convincing as being music. And I mean VERY convincing, to the point where I was constantly doing double-takes. I dont believe I ever heard a better setup in any audio salon.

If Steve invites any of you, GO, and take your favorite music.

34) Just an update. Have about 70-75 hours on these and they are starting to sound INCREDIBLE!!!
While retaining the killer imaging, they are developing a bubble of super open sound that is all around the speakers rather than just coming out of them. Unreal dynamics as well, and that is just with my $160 reciever! Can't wait to get the new Wyred integrated. Keep you posted as they break in further! If they are this good now, I can't wait for the 500 hour mark!!! :o) Bob

35) this is the first system I have ever had that will not fail before my ears fail. all other systems ultimately failed trying to reproduce live levels of rich music....

this system is quite comfortable at the maximum level my ears will take....... which, unfortunately, is sometimes after i have listened for a while.......... then i suddenly realize, "wow, this is ****ing LOUD!!" . But it is so clear and effortless and physical that it is quite easy to turn it up.

quite something you have here, gentlemen.
reality is actually not up to the standards of many serious audiophiles.
but I like reality.

you guys deliver.


ps: use any or all of this. it's from the heart....

36) Let me know the status on the 2.3's. We, (the whole family) are loving the CS-3's!
I think I found a speaker I cannot fault in any area! Damn they are good!!!
I'm kinda scared to let them go! LOL!!! But, I'm sure the 2.3's are all that and a little bit more. I don't suppose I will even need the T-9 with the 2.3's??

37) Hello Walter,

I have the EP CS2 as you may recall and am now just comparing them to a pair of Golden Ear Triton Towers in same price point.
My system has not warmed up yet, but there is no comparison - EP wins.

Can i ask you what is the next logical step in the lineup with EP if i were to upgrade; and what are people saying about that speaker
once they move up, do they see a difference. Do you have any testimonials, etc.


38) Just want to let you know that these are freaks of nature, most realistic, lively speakers I have heard at any price!!! They are truly Maggies on steroids but without the wall that most Electrostatics have that kind of puts the music on the left and right side like its painted on, but you need to be in the middle of the left and right wall of sound

Regards, Bill

39) (CS1.3 speakers) Steve was kind enough to allow me to crash at his house. So I had the opportunity to hear his new HiFi, now pretty much broken in. This is cutting edge digital technology, quite unlike my 1950s approach to HiFi. But I am overjoyed to report that it sounds FANTASTIC.

For the audio types among you, the soundstage is massive in width, large in height and appropriate in depth. The tonal balance is remarkably neutral while not at all cold. In fact the sound is remarkably warm for digital (Im an analog fan) and it is not the slightest bit fatiguing. There was plenty of detail but no harshness. The timing of the musical delivery was excellent - something whose absence can only be appreciated when you first hear it done right. Most importantly: the presentation is VERY convincing as being music. And I mean VERY convincing, to the point where I was constantly doing double-takes. I dont believe I ever heard a better setup in any audio salon. If Steve invites any of you, GO, and take your favorite music.

40) Hello Walter,

I still enjoy listening to my friend Tom Barnes' CS2, like an electrostatic on steroids, especially realistic low frequency presence, when it is available on the recording.

Cheers, Stephen
I'm surprised an owner of a company that many directly addressed messages. Interesting. I suppose I've been jaded by the uncaring attitude of many companies in India leading me to not return any hopes for that company.

As for the comments, EP is known to be very nice sounding. But one shouldn't be too surprised to hear such comments by customers.
What I would like to know is what are the negative comments they received.
The combination of positive and negative comments will give a better account of people's observations instead of their final assessments which are by default very subjective.

What I like about their speaker design is the use of active crossovers but they use a 3rd party active crossover. Part of me feels an inhouse solution that's directly within their reach leaves less room for questionmarks about the internals of the behringers.

I'm just being a critic here in the light of all positive reviews. I bet they sound awesome in real life.
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Makes sense Core. From the web site I got to know that Walter started of as dealer of EP and then ended up buying them in 2010.
Wow... Almost every other guy giving the feedback is rating this speaker higher than $20-30k speakers(8-10 times it's cost)... These speakers definitely don't fall in the cheap/low cost category but definitely seem to be fantastic bang for buck... Definitely something to look forward too...
What I like about their speaker design is the use of active crossovers but they use a 3rd party active crossover. Part of me feels an inhouse solution that's directly within their reach leaves less room for questionmarks about the internals of the behringers.

I'm just being a critic here in the light of all positive reviews. I bet they sound awesome in real life.

The behringer is in some sense a miracle device. yes, its not an "audiophile" device and in that there are shortcomings, however IMO it would be hard, very hard to come up with a device that is equivalent, better sounding and more importantly, cheaper. If one is willing to spend more, the Spatial computer is undoubtedly the way to go. In fact, Spatial is the way to go for any high end system. Clayton did offer/experiment with other devices (DEQX) at higher cost but I dont think they really clicked with the customers.

The behringer is in some sense a miracle device. yes, its not an "audiophile" device and in that there are shortcomings, however IMO it would be hard, very hard to come up with a device that is equivalent, better sounding and more importantly, cheaper. If one is willing to spend more, the Spatial computer is undoubtedly the way to go. In fact, Spatial is the way to go for any high end system. Clayton did offer/experiment with other devices (DEQX) at higher cost but I dont think they really clicked with the customers.


Correct me if I'm wrong but is the Spatial Computer available only for Mac?
Since the topic of Spatial came up - (and maybe this belongs in its own thread if there is enough interest) take a look at this - Fig 8 of

Vandersteen Model Seven loudspeaker Measurements |

The reviewer (quite well known) reviews this speaker in his listening room with this type of a graph. This is a very expensive speaker mind you - look at the graph, just what can you make out about the speaker?
The text in the preceding para by JA talks about the equalization (settable) has resulted in a flatter curve than usual :-) .... Flatter THAN USUAL !!
which means that curves are much worse than this in reality.

So given all this, one has to ask -

why spend tons of money on accessories when your in-room response is so bad? why even have discussions on CD transport vs computer transport when a computer transport will let you do digital equalization (doesn't have to be spatial) with none of the ill effects of phase shifts introduced in analog equalizers? Simple equalizations done can in turn take the overall system to a 2x or higher level of sound.

Incidentally, there was at least one customer who got spatial on this same speaker.

Sorry, this is getting OT but was reading up on spatial computer and found something that might be interesting. At first I thought it was some kind of exotic spatial equalization, but it seems to be a solution designed using regular off the shelf products.

Spatial Computer - Page 2

I am wondering what on Spatial's page gave you the impression that they are using the ARC software?

They had a screen-shot image of the software on their website about a month ago, which they have since removed. Someone else I've been in contact with has recently confirmed that Spatial is using ARC for correction, and that it does indeed top out at 96 kHz sampling rates.

If these guys are to be believed, Spatial used the ARC system equalization software, at least in 2010. Quite possible that they have added their own IP but a patent search in the name of Clayton Shaw or Spatial Computer turned up nothing relevant.

ARC runs on both Windows and Mac.
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The behringer is in some sense a miracle device. yes, its not an "audiophile" device and in that there are shortcomings, however IMO it would be hard, very hard to come up with a device that is equivalent, better sounding and more importantly, cheaper. If one is willing to spend more, the Spatial computer is undoubtedly the way to go. In fact, Spatial is the way to go for any high end system. Clayton did offer/experiment with other devices (DEQX) at higher cost but I dont think they really clicked with the customers.



The CS2.3 MK2 will come with the new Emerald Physics DSP2.4 processor instead of the Behringer. I think this is a welcome move from EP. Walter confirmed this.

Spatial uses puremusic. They do support 192 Khz (at least have for the last year). They have put in their own software application which integrates off the shelf software and the external DACs (primarily studio DACs) to take in multiple source, route the signal back through the DAC to the MAC and then back out again. However, this has nothing to do with the cost of the software or applications, it has to do with paying for his expertise as the final outcome in terms of change in sound is simply HUGE.
There is one member who has tried to do something similar by himself here, I can tell you the entire process is very challenging - from measurements (knowing how to take it, what to ignore, etc) to actual equalization keeping in mind the speaker (drivers, response, crossover, etc) and more importantly how it sounds. People have complained that with devices like TACT while the freq response is relatively flat, the outcome is lifeless sound. This is where Clayton comes in with his 30 + years in the field, its not a simple equalizer that we set.


The CS2.3 MK2 will come with the new Emerald Physics DSP2.4 processor instead of the Behringer. I think this is a welcome move from EP. Walter confirmed this.


Yes, this was on the roadmap even before Walter bought EP. Since Cullen is probably doing this new DSP, I am sure it will sound good, however do keep in mind that the Behringer performs a range of functions (many of which are not needed inherently for EP) but tweakers can access to play around with. In the end though, what is need at the minimum is a way to equalize sound which I am sure the new device will do.
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