Some more great reads

I was part way through the book when I commented on it-finished reading it yesterday, and it definitely was a memorable read. Highly recommended!
Am halfway through Nelson Mandela's autobiography The Long March to Freedom. Interesting , and insightful though only 750 pages! He does have a long story to tell, though.
Got three books from the US last week, looking forward to reading them:

Conquistador-Buddy Levy( about Hernan Cortes and his conquest of Mexico)
Over the Edge of the World-Laurence Bergreen( Magellan's voyage around the world)
Extra Virginity- Tom Mueller(The Sublime and Scandalous world of Olive Oil)
Finished reading Conquistador-amazing story, thoroughly researched and very well told. The context was made even better by a recent visit to Mexico City and visits to the Anthropological Museum(outstanding) and to the main Aztec Temple(Temple Mayor). Highly recommended read!
Just finished reading The Periodic Table by Primo Levi for the second time.
A great book. Quite unlike any other I have read. Wise, insightful with an undercurrent of humour even in difficult times. No wonder has been voted by some as being the best book on Science ever written .
How will you measure your life by Clayton Christensen. A interesting read from a expert on tech Innovation.
Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds : Great presentation ideas.
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