Some questions about my Philips 832 Stereo

Yes, I am sure that it has autostop functionality. The stock cart on this set was also a ceramic cart which tracks on the heavier side. I think it was either GP205 or GP215. Am not sure about if AG3404 will fit as its a plug type mounting system.

The mount looks same to me

But i read somewhere ceramic creates relatively high voltage (200mv) than magnetic (15mv). So just a little confuse if it will work or not.

If anybody here with 832 can help me by sharing interal pictures of 832 for auto stop functioning mechanism i will be grateful. Thanks
I doubt you can shift to MM cart on this TT. First, it would pick a lot of unwanted noise from the platter, as MM carts are more sensitive than ceramic ones. Plus, to get any sound out of it, you would need a phonostage as the stock kit will not be enough to pump up the output of MM carts due to the low voltage they produce. In fact, both technically and financially, I do not deem it feasible. :)
Auto stop i fixed is working for lp records but on ep the end loop is little bit more closer to center than lp records so if i set autostop according to lp records then turntable stopped when last line of music on ep record still playing and if i set it according to ep record then turntable wont auto stop on Lp records. My sharp optronic both side fully automatic turntable have light detection system and not mechanical so it wont helping me detecting it. So if anybody who can share inside pictures of Philips 832 turntable please post pics here.
I reach to conclusion that this turntable cant be auto stop as there is no way we can set ep/lp or turntable can auto determine that. I checked my other automatic turntable in which i can set ep/lp and when i chose lp and playing ep the playing stops early than ep's end loop. If this turntable's motor was DC rather than AC than auto stop can be achieved on both format using high power capacitors which could help ep record to end before caps discharge completely.
So its just a modification which makes this turntable make auto stop on either lp or ep properly.
But if i am wrong and it can auto stop correctly on both formats inner end loop than please help me know how?
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