Sonic Doom

Rising levels of noise in India's cities Ineffective implementation of decibel limits in India has put urban dwellers at risk of hearing loss and psychological illnesses

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I wonder why none of the govts / parties ever have anything on pollution as the agenda for election manifesto ...
It is actually because most of the junta doesn't seem to care about it at all - the annual air quality situation in NCR is a perfect example.
I wonder why none of the govts / parties ever have anything on pollution as the agenda for election manifesto ...
It is actually because most of the junta doesn't seem to care about it at all - the annual air quality situation in NCR is a perfect example.
You said it. Some possibilities are:
Politicians don’t think these are issues that are priorities for the voting public; no election manifesto of any party had this to my knowledge.
They themselves may not have enough knowledge of the issues. Or what to do about them
To take up a new issue that requires uncomfortable decisions, actions that are likely to be unpopular requires exceptional leadership qualities. No politician in India has these qualities at the moment in my opinion.
Civil society organisations that traditionally have flagged such issues have been silent/silenced.
Mainstream Media and TV channels that could draw attention to the issues (linking frequent flooding, extreme heatwaves and other extreme weather events that are increasing in frequency, to climate change) are mostly silent on the issue other than reporting on the catastrophes.
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