Sonodyne Sonus 2605 : A detailed review

Build, fit, and finish of Sonodyne speakers is A rate. I have seen their entire product line (for home use) and some professional monitors in person. They had them displayed in an hifi show. Unfortunately, they didn't have them setup and playing. So I could only see them, not hear them.

I spoke to them and felt that their marketing strategy was highly flawed. They are still living in 80s. I asked them why they are not present on the hifi scene and why there are no dealers/demo rooms? They said something like (its been like a 7-8 years since then so don't remember the exact words): they don't want to clubbed together with likes of Sony/Samsung/LG. Granted, a decade ago there weren't many dealers dealing exclusively in hifi, but there definitely were some. There weren't many buyers of speakers costing in multiples of ten thousand rupees, but there definitely were some. In their eyes, the domestic market was not matured enough for their products.

I didn't react to their philosophy, I had no reasons to. But I know exactly why they are invisible. Their marketing strategy is very poor. They have some very good products, but how many people know about them? In short, they acted very high. It was a bit surprising as at the very same show there were brands like DynAudio, Dali, Jeff Rowland, Mirage, Classe, Rotel, Avant Garde (from the top of my mind). And in that kind of company they thought their products were too niche to be mass-marketed. Luckily they were not too high headed to even display their brochures. In fact, they gave me brochures of their entire (home audio) product line.

Well, to be respectful to their marketing philosophy, they axed their own legs. Indian domestic market is more matured than they thought (at least now if not back them). Its a shame they don't have representatives even in top 5 cities of India.

Come on Sonodyne, you can at least have one dealer in each metropolitan area. Hire some fresh people in your sales and marketing team. With the ones I interacted with, you are never going to be anybody on the world stage. Today, it's not enough to just have good products, some marketing is needed. May be your team believes in "good product sells itself", and it's not entirely untrue. But guess what, B&W, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, JBL; they all market their products. Are they not good? By acting niche, you are just harming your own interests.

Very true. They have no representation in my city. I would have loved to check them out but the nearest dealer was in Vizag and on communication with them I learned they did not stock the speakers I wanted to demo.

Unfortunately, good marketing wins the battle every time... even bad products sell better with good marketing.
Build, fit, and finish of Sonodyne speakers is A rate. I have seen their entire product line (for home use) and some professional monitors in person. They had them displayed in an hifi show. Unfortunately, they didn't have them setup and playing. So I could only see them, not hear them.

I spoke to them and felt that their marketing strategy was highly flawed. They are still living in 80s. I asked them why they are not present on the hifi scene and why there are no dealers/demo rooms? They said something like (its been like a 7-8 years since then so don't remember the exact words): they don't want to clubbed together with likes of Sony/Samsung/LG. Granted, a decade ago there weren't many dealers dealing exclusively in hifi, but there definitely were some. There weren't many buyers of speakers costing in multiples of ten thousand rupees, but there definitely were some. In their eyes, the domestic market was not matured enough for their products.

I didn't react to their philosophy, I had no reasons to. But I know exactly why they are invisible. Their marketing strategy is very poor. They have some very good products, but how many people know about them? In short, they acted very high. It was a bit surprising as at the very same show there were brands like DynAudio, Dali, Jeff Rowland, Mirage, Classe, Rotel, Avant Garde (from the top of my mind). And in that kind of company they thought their products were too niche to be mass-marketed. Luckily they were not too high headed to even display their brochures. In fact, they gave me brochures of their entire (home audio) product line.

Well, to be respectful to their marketing philosophy, they axed their own legs. Indian domestic market is more matured than they thought (at least now if not back them). Its a shame they don't have representatives even in top 5 cities of India.

Come on Sonodyne, you can at least have one dealer in each metropolitan area. Hire some fresh people in your sales and marketing team. With the ones I interacted with, you are never going to be anybody on the world stage. Today, it's not enough to just have good products, some marketing is needed. May be your team believes in "good product sells itself", and it's not entirely untrue. But guess what, B&W, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, JBL; they all market their products. Are they not good? By acting niche, you are just harming your own interests.

If sonodyne start marketing, it add cost. So to cover the costs, they have to increase the price. Then the price will be at par with Wharfs or more. It's a tricky situation. If sonodyne is happy with the production and sales, let them be...
Pretty wrong notion about marketing, eh!

All that Sonodyne requires to do is to update their website with information on 'their' dealers for their products .... thats all. Obviously, they first need to appoint dealers all over the country, preferably ones who could provide auditions, if required.

The name 'Sonodyne' is quite well known and even respected in many quarters. Just, their non-availability, when a buyer is out searching, spoils the game for them, as of current.
Well Said.Sonodyne do not have a Proper Dealer Network and they do not upgrade their website time to time.Even today in the website if we would like to purchase some models and when we ask for the models or price they say it is discontinued. Also they do not have proper service backup.
I am completely agree with "avidyarathy" and "babloo64". Sonodyne lacks the dealers/stores and availability. They should approach to dealers to stock their products so that we can hear and compare with other available brands easily, and make our decision wisely. Definitely it will increase the sale and popularity of Sonodyne. I know Sonodyne as great brand and aware about it from 90's. I had Sonodyne amplifier but Sonodyne disappeared (almost) from many cities of INDIA. But now Sonodyne is developing his quality control according to requirement and today's trend.... only need to increase the dealers.
It feels great that an indian quality brand from the east is finally out from the closet.
What a review!Mind blowing.
Truly feel they would start their pre-power combo manufacturing again.
It feels great that an indian quality brand from the east is finally out from the closet.
What a review!Mind blowing.
Truly feel they would start their pre-power combo manufacturing again.

Thanx for the compliment drkaushik...I juz shared my experience with them...

Me actually waiting for there 6 channel power amplifier.....:)
I was thinking why a floorstander couldn't produce sufficient bass than a BS @ moderate volumes....Am i not pushing it ? (or) if i should tweak the speaker settings menu on the receiver which was set to 15db (Max Level) which i had set it for my diamond 9.2.... Also thought if Bi-Amping would improve the bass on this FS...So i decided to get some old speaker wires which i had...

Bi-Amping the Sonodyne Sonus 2605 (To experiment myself how it sounds)
I used the Marantz receivers Left & Right speaker output to the HF(Tweeter) of the tower speakers & Sonodyne stereo power amplifier Left & right speaker output to LF (1 Midrange + 2 Woofers) driver of the towers.... and again started playing the familiar songs wherever i felt the bass was short....Now it did open up than before.....Bass was sufficient at moderate listening levels & atleast to my liking with no Hint of boominess.....

Now on playing some bass heavy songs, It was playing superb...Punchy bass....The bass quality was very tight with right attack.....

So Elangoas, your preference for these speakers was with bi-amping correct, otherwise you felt the bass was a little shy. So anyone who considers this speaker will have to consider the cost of added amplification for bi-amping and system cost will be significantly higher. Just wanted clarification there.
I have great respect for Sonodyne as an Indian brand, probably the only company that makes mid level equipment that can compete with international brands. In fact their powered studio monitors have been highly praised by western press.
So Elangoas, your preference for these speakers was with bi-amping correct, otherwise you felt the bass was a little shy. So anyone who considers this speaker will have to consider the cost of added amplification for bi-amping and system cost will be significantly higher. Just wanted clarification there.
I have great respect for Sonodyne as an Indian brand, probably the only company that makes mid level equipment that can compete with international brands. In fact their powered studio monitors have been highly praised by western press.

Yes...They were little shy on bass @ moderate listening volumes...

An other thing which i missed to experiment myself is that before bi-amping, i had reduced the speaker settings in the receiver to 13db from 15db....

But i didn't play them normally like what we do (just a pair of wires to speaker from the power amplifier)

My enthusiasm for Bi-amping experience made me miss the above point :sad:

Once i get them, & the burn-in is complete, i will post a detailed experience...

Also my brother owns NAD C326 integrated & NAD CD Player.....I will also try with them & post the experience....That will give more clear results
HI! FM's

Excellent Feedback, Elangoas!

I too 've been going through the basics for the last 3 months trying to zero-in on a right Stereo Intergrated Amp + Tower( restrcited financial strenghts) ;-)),,; and bought up in East always been a Sonodyne fan. I was at the Croma/Malad--Mumbai outlet where they have a dedicated space but again not the right place to audition a setup like this...(on a sunday one can imagine what happens to croma.. ) .... Though i did manage to get something out of that audition and to be fair they seemed to be a fine pair and at the price point quoted, absolute VFM!

However, I have Two questions for FMs here ( purely on a possibility scale, since 'm on the lookout & can help me get onto some recommended combinations for finalizing my setup..)

1. if one were to just pick the AMP(SIA320)...what will be best possible Tower speaker combinations in the >= 100<=200 RMS range(brands/models)
2. if one were to pick just the Towers- SONUs 2605V3.. what will be best possible Stereo Int Amp to drive these?(brands/models)

just to add : I listen more to music (Blues,Pop, Hindi(oldies and the new ones(some of them sound great and are good compositions), some slow rock and anything generally in the 'mood maker" range ;-))

my AMp budget is <= INR 25K
my Towers budget is <= INR 50K

looking forward to some feedback...(my apologies if i picked the wrong thread) ...regds
Hi bluegrass! //OT// Did I guess it correctly that you are from Pandora? :) //EOT//

For FS under 50K, please look at Klipsch RF series, Monitor Audio Bronze series (the discontinued model can be had for cheap), PSB Image series.

Just an advice, if you don't have a large space you can also consider bookshelves. Advice #2, RMS on the speaker is not the best thing to pay attention to. Pay attention to the sound quality.

Under 25K you could look at some Marantz apms or if you love made in India badge, the higher end offerings of Norge.
HI! FM's

Excellent Feedback, Elangoas!

I too 've been going through the basics for the last 3 months trying to zero-in on a right Stereo Intergrated Amp + Tower( restrcited financial strenghts) ;-)),,; and bought up in East always been a Sonodyne fan. I was at the Croma/Malad--Mumbai outlet where they have a dedicated space but again not the right place to audition a setup like this...(on a sunday one can imagine what happens to croma.. ) .... Though i did manage to get something out of that audition and to be fair they seemed to be a fine pair and at the price point quoted, absolute VFM!

However, I have Two questions for FMs here ( purely on a possibility scale, since 'm on the lookout & can help me get onto some recommended combinations for finalizing my setup..)

1. if one were to just pick the AMP(SIA320)...what will be best possible Tower speaker combinations in the >= 100<=200 RMS range(brands/models)
2. if one were to pick just the Towers- SONUs 2605V3.. what will be best possible Stereo Int Amp to drive these?(brands/models)

just to add : I listen more to music (Blues,Pop, Hindi(oldies and the new ones(some of them sound great and are good compositions), some slow rock and anything generally in the 'mood maker" range ;-))

my AMp budget is <= INR 25K
my Towers budget is <= INR 50K

looking forward to some feedback...(my apologies if i picked the wrong thread) ...regds

Thanks buddy...

If you were to pick the Sonodyne Sonus 2605, you would save some can get a very good int amp from the saved money...I am not sure if SIA 320 can do justice to Sonus 2605 towers.....

look at For sale by owner section in the forum...There is a NAD C356 for sale ...A very good amp with solid power to drive any towers....

NAD C356 should be able to drive the Sonus 2605 very easily....
Since you brought up this 'most' important question, herez the answer. Listen to the Sonus with the amp in consideration. Do not, repeat do not rely on the comments of others. Your ears, your money!

NAD would have a laid-back SQ, more rounded off upper mids and highs. I, for one, do not like this SQ. Prefer music on a brighter side not tending to ear fatigue levels. The Sonodyne 320 is quite very fine ... was very impressed during a recent audition with 2605 at the South City Mall outlet during a recent visit to Kolkata.
Since you brought up this 'most' important question, herez the answer. Listen to the Sonus with the amp in consideration. Do not, repeat do not rely on the comments of others. Your ears, your money!

NAD would have a laid-back SQ, more rounded off upper mids and highs. I, for one, do not like this SQ. Prefer music on a brighter side not tending to ear fatigue levels. The Sonodyne 320 is quite very fine ... was very impressed during a recent audition with 2605 at the South City Mall outlet during a recent visit to Kolkata.

Aahhh...I juz didn't recollect that you had earlier feedback on the Sonodyne amplifier with Sonus 2605...

Right...Plz audition the combo & then decide...:licklips:
Excellent review elangoas. Please do keep updating your feedback. Also if possible post some pics of your speakers.

SONODYNE range of Speakers & Amplifiers are officially available from our very own HiFiMART India's audio video home theatre and hi-fi shopping mart :yahoo::clapping::cheers:

Sure Sam...I will be placing the order for Sonus 2605 HT setup very soon....Will post complete pics when i receive them...

Sonodyne range aval in Hifimart is great news..:clapping:
That is great news. Last time I checked hifimart, there was only Sonodyne amp. It will be great if we can get group buy offers.
Finally bought the Sonodyne Sonus 2605, C2401 & Rear dipoles...all of them V2 as i liked that colour...:clapping:

Sonus 2605 have already been put to use along with the center channel speaker...

The rear dipoles are yet to be hooked-up..Will need to buy cables for them..Once done will post pictures of them...:ohyeah:
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