Sony 32EX720 - How to enter Service Menu


Active Member
Mar 31, 2011
Bought a new 32EX720 with a friend, but somehow it feels it is a demo piece. Before I confront the dealer, wanted to check how to Enter the service menu to know usage hours. I have searched online, and cannot find something specific to LED.

Can some1 confirm the way to enter service menu?? And how to check usage hours.
Bought a new 32EX720 with a friend, but somehow it feels it is a demo piece. Before I confront the dealer, wanted to check how to Enter the service menu to know usage hours. I have searched online, and cannot find something specific to LED.

Can some1 confirm the way to enter service menu?? And how to check usage hours.

AFAIK, this is possible to verify in an EX720. Please see the thread on how to identify if your set is a demo piece for more tips.
In any case, if you have a strong hunch its a used piece, just talk to your dealer and sound a confident alert. For all you know, they may replace the piece.
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