Sony DADC sale

Just got back home after a trip to the sale. Met a number of HFV friends.

It will continue tomorrow too.

It's definitely worth going.
I picked up some CD's too

Titles and artists I wanted to explore.

I guess I missed out on a few since I reached post lunch..

But.. Good news is I did get what I got..

Sinead O Connor says.. I do not want what I haven't got :)
Will you like to share about product availability and price of acd,sacd and blu ray movies.

Prices are 25, 50, 99, 199, 299, 399, 499, 799, 999, etc. They label them with different coloured stickers.

I checked out only audio CDs in detail but there were also DVDs and blurays.

Bollywood sound tracks, Hindustani and Carnatic classicals, international pop/rock/jazz/western classical, etc are there. Vinyl also available in Hindi and international titles.
Had been there since morning. Bought some 50+ ACD and met some wonderful HFV members. A good day spent out browsing the vast catalogue. Truly an excellent opportunity for buying CD/ DVD/ LPs & Blue Ray discs at a very affordable price.
If it was not so far from my place, 45kms, I would have gone again to buy, what I did not get yesterday... Excellent... Really happy to see India understand and execute a real sale and offer black Friday deals. I was impressed.
Only wished the staff knew some music and understood what they sold and curated it better. But, I am not complaining... Its OK. All not gone, Please do visit, completely worth it.
I am not into vinyl, but what ever I saw, was not at the deal prices like cds were, I wonder why ?? So much super music that too at prices I could not digest...

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Yesterday I visited Sony DADC factory sale. The place is about 10km from my home. It was like a huge music store like Groove, Planet-M or Rhythm House having huge collection of ACD,DVD,BD,UHD,LP from Bollywood to Hollywood movie, Indian to International music, old to new movies and from surriya to sunidhi Chavan. Due to limited time , I couldn't explore all, but still manage to get few BDs and CDs at less than street price. Place was a must visit for audiophile who wish to collect old classic music CD and LP. Different movies box set, singers,artist, composer music sets, huge collection of international music was the high light. Next sale may be in the December 2018, just keep an eye and plan for a wonderful experience..... and awesome price sale. Long distance FM also advise to take dip...
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